Poverty in Denmark is increasing, although there is right now is record low unemployment and economic growth. Nevertheless, experiencing a larger and larger group of people in Denmark that they have nothing marks the prosperity, on the contrary.

– We have seen an increase both in the number of inquiries about julehjælp and in the number of applicants who meet the criteria, we are working with.

– It stresses that, unfortunately, poverty amongst families with children just keep rising, and unfortunately, that means that we are again this year set yet another record.

– We hope, therefore, that a great many companies and individuals will support our julehjælp to just these families, says Klaus Nørlem, secretary general of the Danish Folkejælp.

It is 12. year in a row that the Danish people’s aid in cooperation with the Extra Leaf gives a helping hand to a value of 1,500 crowns to some of the many thousand families, which is on the bottom of the Danish welfare society.

– We are trying to give a whole family a better christmas with our aid package to 1,500 crowns. When one equates it with, that every dane on average purchase christmas gifts for 3,000 crowns, it puts these people pressed economic situation in a thought-provoking perspective, says Klaus Nørlem.

See also: Single mother at 19 years looking for julehjælp: With only SU is actually poor

When the deadline for the application deadline occurs on Friday, 30. november at midnight, expect the Danish people’s aid, to more than 15.500 single fathers and mothers on various social transfers, and has extended the hand forward after julehjælp. Danish people’s aid is not the only one to collect the money and share them out to the most needy, and I am Klaus Nørlem only.

– You are not worried that eventually people become confused and weary of the fact that several different, private relief organizations like yours collect for needy danes. That people think it is too much?

– No, I am not. Everyone knows that at this time of year are thinking more of people over, if they can do something good for others. There is so to say the peak season for arts and humanities, charitable activities, and it is only really good and healthy for all of us, says Klaus Nørlem.

to curb that more applicants are seeking the help of several different organizations – and to make the whole application process easier for citizens, organisations and the municipality – the Municipality of Horsens in year co-ordinated the organisations providing julehjælp in the municipality and made a total of ansøgningsportal.

Klaus Nørlem would like to Horsens model was widespread throughout the country.

– It is very classy, the Municipality of Horsens are doing, and I could well wish that more municipalities will do the same. At the same time, I know also, that it is not realistic, because it is too large a work for municipalities, says the secretary-general.

the Number of poor children in Denmark are now up of 44,000, according to a new analysis from the Labour movement bonus veren siteler Business council. The same number as in 2009, when the former fattigdomsydelser still existed, and in a time where the financial crisis had affected the Danish society.

If you or someone you know, need julehjælp, then you can search here. Last year got 9540 single-parent families on public service a julehjælpspakken, which has a value of 1500 kr: A gift card for Rema, a gift card to BR and a gift certificate to the Sportmaster. Which opened for applications last Thursday, and more than 13000 single-parent families have already applied. There is a deadline on Friday. 30. november. the

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