In Germany, a third of the native wild plants are on the Red list of endangered species. According to a report by the Federal office for nature conservation (BfN), which was presented on Wednesday in Berlin. After that 30.8 percent of the total of 8650 fern and flowering plants, mosses, and algae in your inventory are at risk. In the past 20 years have worsened the state of many wild plant species in Germany, serious.

Targeted nature conservation and environmental protection measures have led to improvements. For example, the corn cockle and the fringed gentian are endangered. Overall, the situation remained unchanged, the report said. Help against the loss of Species, especially a nature-friendly agriculture.

nutrient-poor sites

reasons for deterioration are Needed in which scientists see the first line in to high nutrient loads. This is due to over-fertilization in agriculture, as well as to pollutants in the air, such as automobile exhaust gases. So Arnica is love, for example, meadow pasqueflower, wild herbs of Arable fields and the now-endangered flame-Adonis nutrient-poor sites. Including bogs and heaths. Endangered plants do not grow there, but always rare, because in the soil of too many nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus occur rarely washed out of agricultural land. “Without a drastic Change of agricultural policy in Brussels and in-depth water protection in Germany the situation is dramatic”, said Hubert Weiger, Chairman of the environmental Association BUND. The immense use of pesticides and over-fertilization of Fields has to be stopped. Also indispensable is the introduction of a ten-Meter-wide protective is a strip along the water.

There is also the human food chain

Also, the environmental Foundation, WWF sees the Red list as a reminder. “We can’t afford to lose more than 30 percent of the native plants, because they are the basis of numerous food – and, ultimately, of our own,” said CEO Christoph Heinrich. Improvements for the plants, there was, according to the BfN report, because, for example, the quality of the air changed: it is Because power plants emit less sulfur, it is demonstrably mosses better, which grow on trees. Some diatoms species not more it helps that the lakes have acidic water. In the case of ferns and flowering plants in a Shrinkage of the stocks settled in the areas to stop, the Protection of arable land or field margins. This applies, for example, for the corn cockle or the thickness of Brome grass, earlier typical accompanying plants in cereal fields.

nature-compatible agriculture, promote

“a Consistent environment that led to the decline in sulphur emissions, has Betsmove caused many plant species major relief,” says the FEDERAL in-chief for Refusal. All kinds of efforts to get more protection should be strengthened and solidly financed, so that positive individual cases and Trends. Also, farmers should be rewarded for conservation measures, said Leif Miller, the Executive Director of the environmental Association Nabu. Because so far targeted assistance programs only as a drop on the hot stone. The decline of Species on a broad Front to stop, should be to promote a nature-friendly agriculture and the water quality has improved, said BfN President Beate Jessel.

Almost 120 plant species are already extinct

are extinct, According to information from the authority in the past 150 years, 119 plant species in Germany, or to not find more. A decline in species diversity from acting in an Ecosystem, negative impact on a large number of other organisms, says the report. For your new Red list, the researchers risk took account of ratings from six plant groups: ferns and flowering plants (4305 species), mosses (1195 species), in fresh water, abundant brown and red algae (34 species), hose algae (45 species), Zieralgen (968 species) and freshwater diatoms (2103). The list includes algae to the plants. (dpa)