Mr Beckedahl, Mr Haeusler, were you actually in the Anti-NUCLEAR and peace demonstrations?

OP: I come from the area of Bonn, do not want to exclude the possibility that my father, who was in the Catholic peace movement, has dragged me in the 80s in Bonn’s Hofgarten. My first Demonstration that I participated actively and signs I have painted, had protested against the first Iraq war in 1991, the students for peace.

HAEUSLER: The first Demo, in which I am advised was against the eviction of a squatted building near Nollendorfplatz. Since I was on the way home from school, and I saw for the first Time, like a water-cannon has knocked down a Pensioner who ran as randomly along over. The politicized total.

What is the effect of Demonstration on topics such as the freedom of the Internet?
BECKEDAHL: Our experiences show that, in the case of mains topics of the demonstrations, the protests only make visible and influence policy. See the data retention. Only 10,000 people in Berlin took to the streets, many of them aware that this is not just a network issue.

Mr Haeusler, what do you expect from the demonstrations against the EU copyright Directive on Saturday in many European cities?
HAEUSLER: in addition to the headline-grabbing images that also brings a feeling of Solidarity. It is only when people get up your ass and gather, the Protest against the dangers to freedom of expression visible. As a different implementation of the Directive might look like, since many of the protesters are, however, differences of opinion.

What are the effects of the proposed Copyright Directive, they fear?

BECKEDAHL: That one shoots for the legitimate claims of Parts of the copyright with the shotgun on large platforms such as Youtube and Facebook, and half the Internet is mitgetroffen. The CDU-MEP Axel Voss says that would affect only five percent of all platforms. But if you look at the size of the Internet, you must not assume that Mr Voss was not aware of how many platforms are affected on Youtube. I also fear that the urgently needed Reform of the copyright, hide, right, that there are now other forms of authors, which are not taken into account. So that old recipes from an old world to be cemented for the next twenty years.

HAEUSLER: I actually believe that it is the real goal, the old economic and cultural conditions in the new digital world. Of the collecting societies is not, apparently, expected even, to adapt to new times. This is a huge mistake and a joke to the Creative. How to deal with the criticism of the Directive, is detrimental also to the idea of Europe among young people. Young people are open to Europe. Which is now accused of, they were all from Google, paid, or controlled Bots. There, you will feel as a person in the digital world, an environment in total disregard.

So the impression that the young people of Youtube, before the cart is deceptive?
HAEUSLER: far be It from me to speak for Youtube. To pay in spite of all the differences as well as Radio and television stations fees to copyright. Of course, Youtube also lobbying operates. But to do so, as if lobbying is always okay, except in this case, is a double-edged sword.

The Youtubers protesting the loudest against the Reform. You are naive in terms of the interests of Google and Youtube?

OP: on The contrary, Many Youtubers have already recognized early the hazards of the Upload Filter for the new forms of publications. Everyone on Youtube is active as a transmitter, has already problems with the existing Content-ID structures. If you used pop culture references in the Form of Memes in his Live Streams, is it because of the future technical solutions, of course, worried.

HAEUSLER: The article 13 will be manipulated from Google total. Some of it was broken on a few key words down. To do So, as there would be no Youtube more, of course, is exaggerated. Nevertheless, legitimate criticism behind that.

For a free network: Johnny Haeusler (li.) and Markus Beckedahl is the founder of the Internet conference re:publica that was since 2007…photo: dpa

The Internet are, apparently, never been so political as it is now.

HAEUSLER: in addition to the Protest against article 13 there is currently the “Fridays for Future”movement, which could find their rapid spread also by the Internet. By both there is currently a major political waves. But also in the political shift to the right, we see the world, the Internet plays a role, even if you may not be happy about it.

by the organizers Of the demonstrations this Saturday, expect some up to half a Million participants in Europe. Do you share this assessment?

OP: I’m prefer something more restrained. I would be delighted over 100,000 people that go to a network issue on the road. We have achieved that so far, only once in the case of the Acta protests. So would show that again on this Reform, should be discussed. The advocates want to give the impression that the Directive could only be in this legislature, voted. Here you could find with the new European Parliament, a solution that is more interests.

Instead, it could come to different national regulations.

HAEUSLER: If it really comes, it will be like the CDU now no Upload planned in Germany-Filter, but in other European countries, then it is completely absurd. Not only as a young person you may ask then, what is the nonsense? You take the video platform Vimeo, which has a very different culture than Youtube, which have now in Europe, 28 different bases? We need in all digital areas is a simplification. Including clear rules for the users, who are quite often self-copyright. And we need collecting societies, which not only want that everything remains as 50 years ago.

Will lead the protests on Saturday a revision of the Directive?

HAEUSLER: I’m going to assume that the Directive will be postponed at least.

OP: I am a professional pessimist with such decisions. I reckon that it is a scarce, but nevertheless, a majority for the Directive. I would be happy but even more so, if I would be mistaken, and at least the controversial article eleven and 13 would be moved.

changing the subject: How the subject comes to the re:publica in 2019?

HAEUSLER: It is a lot of talk about young people in the network, but in the conferences of loud people sitting frequently over 40. With the youth conference, Tincon, and the choice of profession exhibition Jetpack, but also with re:learn for teachers, we take this target group. Also, you can get up to 21 years of age for free on the re:publica.

More about

Protest against upload filter the revolt of the Youtube Generation

Kurt Sagatz

what are the speakers, visitors can look forward to?
BECKEDAHL: The opening Keynote will be held by the researcher and Internet activist Nanjira Sambuli, the designs from an African perspective in a global digital world. Our speaker, Margarethe Vestager as European Commissioner like no other for a regulation of the Tech giant, has long been one of the very important issues of the re:publica. The final speech by the Astronaut Alexander Gerst keeps on space research. And, Erika Lust is a look as a Director and producer from a feminist perspective on the erotic market.
The Interview was conducted by Kurt Sagatz.