A team of international researchers has developed a global diet, which they believe can both improve public health and create a sustainable food production.

We should worldwide eat twice as much fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes, and halving the consumption of meat and sugar.

that is the recommendation in a new report that has been published on the night of Thursday in lægetidsskriftet The Lancet.

According to the 37 specialists from 16 different countries, who have worked on the report for three years, it is essential that there is a drastic change in our eating habits.

For three billion people suffer from malnutrition, and according to the researchers increases the current food production, global warming, damage to biodiversity and increases pollution.

And when the world’s population in 2050 is expected to reach 10 billion, it will be impossible to feed everyone with healthy and sustainable food, if not the global eating habits changed drastically, it sounds.

Therefore, the researchers have calculated what each of us should eat a week, if the trend must be reversed.

One steak is equivalent to the amount of red meat one should eat. And less than four eggs per week. In addition, scientists recommend limiting its consumption of dairy products to the equivalent of a glass of milk a day.

If all followed the diet would more than 11 million early deaths could be prevented each year, says the report.

in Addition, it would reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and enhance biodiversity, assess the researchers.

During Wednesday’s presentation of the report recognised the researchers that it was ambitious to hope that all will follow the diet. Not least because there is unequal access to food.

– But if we can’t reach the goal, it is better to try and reach as far as we can, said professor Walter Willett from Harvard University, is one of the authors behind the report.