“”S to betray our time women’s issue””

“Maria Alias want to see the focus against the hederskulturen”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“She fled from Iraq to Sweden as a six year old. But it was in Eskilstuna, sweden as Maria Alias, 34, encountered hederskulturen. Now she has started a social-democrat association against hedersförtryck – and wonder where the support from the left is.”

“the social democratic party congress for more than a month ago was prime minister Stefan Löfven particularly emotive in a passage in his speech to the partikamraterna. ”Look at it. Hate it. Fight it. Free these young people.” His strong admonition to the audience was not to the democratic party, as one might have expected of a social democratic party chairman. Instead, it was about the so-called hedersförtrycket.”

“I thought it was great that Stefan said so before the whole party,” says Maria Alias. He takes out the top honour-related violence in his speech shows that he has realized the problem. That is why it is so strange that the party does not want to do more in the issue.”

“Some leader board meet Maria Aka at the cafe in Eskilstuna city Library. This is the most seniors and immigrants, and reading the newspapers with a weekday afternoon. Maria wearing the white knytblus and drink a black cup of coffee. In the evening there is an open meeting on the ABF, where she’ll tell about her experiences and what she wants to achieve with his new club.”

“In the short time Mary was Alias, who is a syrian from Iraq, has become a contentious debater in the integration. She has taken a stand against the hijabslöja on underage girls, to find that the ICE warriors are to be prevented from returning to Sweden for a ban on begging. Hardly matters who is in the social democratic mittfåra in the day. But, above all, her commitment in the fight against the culture of honor and honor violence.”

“– The most important thing is to get with me left on this issue. Right now runs the greatest (sv) madam president, in our time and I am totally devastated over it. I say to my colleagues; we have pushed every single question of equality through the ages, how the fa-the an we have left this entirely.”

“Has been called the ”iranian mullah””

“Maria Alias tells us about the discussions on Twitter, where her views on tougher standards and clearer requirements on immigrants has provoked strong reactions, especially from the vänsterhåll she says.”

” We are a couple of people who run these matters in the day, but we get all the time comments that are everything from islamofob and a racist to the iranian mullah or cardinal. I have to teach myself to be a non-stick pan, but it is not fun to get those kind of attacks all the time!”

“Why are you getting the kind of criticism do you think?”

“– You think the best thing is that people must be allowed to live as they wish. But the swedes do not really understand what all of us who have come to Sweden have been involved with. All of the misery people have experienced, but also all the so-called skittraditioner, as my dad calls them, that we bring with us here. Then, it requires clear laws and rules for those who come to Sweden will know what is expected of them.”

“She tells us about their own experiences of war, of having seen dead bodies, and lost relatives in the childhood Baghdad during the Gulf war in the 1990s. The alarm ”Hoarse Fredrik”, which are tested four times per year, allowed her to suffer the agony still. The same alarms were heard in Baghdad while a bombing raid was close.”

” Every time I hear it I am reminded of the war, say, Maria Alias.”

“Got his head drämt in element”

“today she is 34 years old and single mother of two. She works as a business developer at a company in Eskilstuna, sweden, and sits as a member of the social democrats in the region’s cultural, educational and friluftsverksamhetsnämnd. But the road here has been a struggle. Four years ago, divorcing her after a ten-year marriage. Marriage to a man with the same syriac background as she herself was voluntary, they were blixtförälskade after graduation. But two weeks after the wedding before they the first blows came.”

“I would go back to the policy, to live – not just survive. And I wanted to be a normal mother for my children.”

“The physical abuse lasted many years before it became part of the mental terror. Maria isolated herself and became seriously ill. The promising political career came to an abrupt finish.”

“– I said outwardly that I left policy of the party had gone too far to the right. But it did not, I dared not continue, ” she says.”

“It was not until the family moved to the old working-class city of Eskilstuna when Maria Alias was 15 that she knew of the family’s culture of honor. Suddenly, she felt guarded everywhere on the town. Relatives said condescending things about her and thought she was ”a whore” who was active in politics. When she wanted a divorce from her violent husband, said the family and relatives from. For a year she got to sit in the ”negotiations”, where they tried to persuade her to think about.”

“– the Whole time I had my vision in front of me. I would go back to the policy, to live – not just survive. And I wanted to be a normal mother for my children.”

“finally she got their parents with them. They have stayed by her side. Today is Maria Aka dad proud member of the board in her new S-association for equality and against hedersförtryck and våldsbejakande extremism.”

“– He has lost a lot of reputation because of it. My dad was a person who walked around and solved the conflicts which arose between the families. From having been such that many look up to, he has become a person that is fun to talk shit about.”

“How is it that your family supports you today?”

” Dad saw as a ghost, I turned to my mistake to the marriage. He regrets deeply what he had subjected me to over the course of a year. Somewhere he loves me more than these skittraditionerna. But he has also become frustrated with the way Sweden has landed on. We have already fled from a country, we don’t want to have to escape again.”

“Want to see a social contract for the new arrivals”

“In the day working daughter and father together to raise questions about the culture of honor. The association shall work to educate colleagues about what the culture of honor is and how it manifests itself – and opinionsbilda for change. They want to see an education initiative in the whole society, support and action plans in each municipality for the hundreds of thousands of young women, but also young men, who want to take out family violence.”

“Mary, Alias think that all governments have failed with the integration, but are particularly critical of their own party.”

“We have been the biggest, best and strongest. Then, we should also be snällast, seems to have thought.”

” We have been the biggest, best and strongest. Then, we should also be snällast, seems to have thought. But it is not good to neither those who live here or those who come here.”

“One of the ideas she has is a social contract that people must sign to get a residence permit in Sweden.”

” From day one here will get an introduction to Swedish society, and what equality, democracy and a multicultural society means. I know that the people who come to Sweden will know exactly what laws and rules apply, the money that you are entitled to. But has not taken out the obligations.”

“the Same reasoning for Maria Alias on his ABF-lecture in the evening for more than 30 curious people of different ages. Many people are asking questions. What is the difference between the culture of honor from patriarchal oppression? Why, she is not her husband? A young woman from Somalia reacts to Mary’s description of the immigrants, think she is generalizing and negative.”

“– All I know is struggling hard to get into the Swedish society, ” she says. Maria Alias defends himself by she emanates from their own experiences. The debate continues.”

“Bets against honor-related violence in vårbudgeten”

“In the government vårbudget added to the now 130 million to work against men’s violence against women, just over one-third of the sum will go to increase the knowledge of the hedersförtryck and honour-related violence. But Maria Alias is still not satisfied.”

“– It is, unfortunately, just kaffepengar in this context. Stefan Löfven has shown in the words that he mean seriously, now I want to see more action. Come on, it is Sweden in 2019 and we still have a widespread hedersförtryck in this country! We should have gone longer, ” she says.”

“Read more: Aftonbladet’s review hedersförtryck”