“S budgethökar do as the climate crash”
“the Investments may resolve the challenges of the future”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“was Seen as a step to the left”
“He says that when Andrea Nahles was chosen, the assignment was to make the party ready to take kanslerposten. Nahles was seen as a step to the left. Most assumed that the new leader would take the chance to make up with the cuts that her predecessor, Gerhard Schröder implemented in the early 2000s. Urgröpningarna of security systems led to a strong weakening in support for the party. But Andrea Nahles was awaiting, and when she a few years later, still made the long-awaited reningsbadet it was too late. ”The chance was lost,” says my kaffesällskap. ”The political opportunity is perishable.”nthe new SPD-management around Nahles has, however, realized that the party must put the steam on a policy of investment, both in klimatomställning and new jobs. The problem is that they have to write in a ban on låneinvesteringar in the constitution. The German rules of the budget is thus even more rigid than the Swedish, where the surplus targets and expenditure ceilings for most, rests on the mental lock.”
“Warn new finanskrasch”
“A person who has seen through this and not agree again in their criticism is Ann Pettifor, who was in Stockholm last week to launch his book ”Production of money” and talk about their ideas to fund a Green New Deal. She is world renowned for 2006 have predicted the great financial crisis by studying the levels of debt. Now, she’ll see how the next crisis is built up and the situation is worse than before 2008. Europe needs to start investing.it is the second day of may, and I’m sitting on a stranded train outside Kramfors. The man who I talk to in the minimal dining car talks about the reality for those who run goods by rail in our country. The maintenance is lousy and enkelspåren dominate.”
“Right side of history is located on the other side of the ceiling.”
“social-democracy must take that austerity doesn’t work when the next finanskrasch will. We need to build the rail and set about. The next crisis is probably also the last possibility to arrange a reasonable klimatomställning. We have done this in the past. Created new frames. 2015 made it to manage the migration. Now must have a social and ecological reality have set out a framework for the economy. The 2020s will be determined if we dare turn out the ceiling and to resolve the challenges of our time. The right side of history is located on the other side of the ceiling.nPlötsligt loosening it, we rolls on, and the connection to the north has been waiting notifies the conductor cheerfully. It’s not too late, I think to myself while I hurry towards the next train.”