“S, listening on the LO in the question of migration,”
“the Conservatives: A fateful question for Sweden and those who find their way here.”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. Migrationspolititiken in Sweden has for too long been characterized by fits and starts, wishful thinking and half-baked compromises. The culmination was reached in 2015, when the 163 000 persons sought asylum in Sweden, and it became obvious that Sweden is not capable of the task. “
“Sweden is now in great need of a sustainable migration policy. Such a policy must be deleted from the how integration works in Sweden – or, rather, does not work. We have areas around the country with insecurity, dependency, overcrowding and poor educational outcomes. “
“to come to grips with the massive integration problems, is required to Sweden for a tight immigration policy, for a long time to come. It is not right or fair to just welcome people inside Sweden’s borders, without taking responsibility for that they also get an opportunity to get into the Swedish society.”
“the Conservatives have time and time again, and since our review of migration policy, called for a broad parliamentary investigation, which provides the policy broad support in the riksdag and the broad respect of the Swedish people. “
“instead of the S+MP government has chosen to together with regeringsunderlaget map out a more generous direction for migration policy. As well as through additional asylgrund and partly by the present bill to extend the right to family reunification in Sweden. “
“But more and more realize the absurdity of this. LO believes, in its reply in march 2019, it is unfortunate that the policy is operated in a more generous direction, but that it has been preceded by a proper analysis of the impact of migration on the Swedish society. ”
“It LO gives the expression for is exactly what we have long called for. If the government does not want to listen to us, so they can at least listen to LO?”
“But it’s not just the LO that has had critical views on the government’s proposal. The migration board finds that an already complex regulatory framework now becomes even more complex. The authority wants a holistic approach should be adopted in further work with the reforms in the utlänningsrättens area. “
“the migration court of Appeal, the highest court in migrationsärenden in Sweden, suggests that the bill is missing a detailed analysis of how the extended the right to family reunification can come to affect the influx of cases in Sweden. “
“All of this is serious and shows with all desirable clarity the need for a broad parliamentary investigation, which takes a holistic approach. Unfortunately, it does not appear to be the government’s ambition. For the Conservatives, it is not an option to be included in an investigation, which only touches on a few issues, and whose sole purpose is to make the policy more generous. It is, however, so the investigation so far has been presented by the migration minister Morgan Johansson (S) out.”
“Now is the time to take real responsibility. This requires that a number of issues on the table:”
“A responsible Swedish migration policy is a matter of course. On the one hand for society to function and stay together, but also because it is our responsibility towards those who are looking to Sweden and stay here. “
“Now is high time for the democrats to take responsibility, and high time for the parliamentary investigation to get started. Listen to the LO, the social democratic party!”
“nMaria Ores Stenergard, Chairman Socialförsäkringsutskottet, Migrationspolitisk spokesperson (M).”
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