“Save our welfare with the reduction in parental leave”

“the Debaters: Would, for example, strengthen the pre-school with 4 400 a preschool teacher and nanny”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. In Januariöverenskommelsen between the government, the Centre party and the Liberals promised a further parental leave through the so-called “familjeveckan”. It is deeply irresponsible, since the leave is already in the day creates a big problem. In addition to being an expensive kvinnofälla which Timbro raised in a previous report, the major concern in the workplace, where people are away often and for a long time. “

“Particularly noticeable this becomes in the female-dominated sectors, which also suffer from staffing shortages – such as in health care. In the new report, “parental Leave and the manpower shortage in the welfare” – we have estimated how the long parental leave affect staffing levels in a number of välfärdsyrken. “

“the Results calls for reflection. With the current design of parental leave is 44 000 persons in nine key välfärdsyrken parental leave. It corresponds to four to eight per cent of those employed in the respective profession, which can be compared with the two to six percent on sick leave. Parental leave is thus a common reason for absence other than sick leave. “

“Even if it is two totally different reasons for absence from the workplace, they provide the same type of economic implications, and also the parental leave period should therefore be lifted in the discussion about welfare challenges. “

“We have investigated the different effects of a number of proposals put forward in order to shorten the parental leave, and our calculations show that shortening parental leave would reduce the manpower shortage in the welfare system. “

“the Effect has been calculated for nine occupational groups: nurses, assistant nurses, care assistants, teachers, preschool teachers, nannies, personal assistants, psychologists and social workers. “

“Timbros proposal for a halving of the parental leave enables 21 000 more people in the occupations examined. Among them, almost 3 000 nurses, which would solve the whole sjuksköterskebristen. “

“A abbreviation to 320 days, the same length as Norway’s parental leave, could mean 13,000 more employees, including 2 500 teachers. That, according to the Liberal ungdomsförbundets, Moderate ungdomsförbundets and the more moderate representatives of the proposal short leave to 365 days can bring a contribution of 9 000 more employees in the welfare system. “

“A common argument against a shorter parental leave involves an increased cost for child care if parents begin work earlier. The parliamentary research service has, however, investigated this and come to the conclusion that a reduction in maternity leave to 12 months while would mean an increased cost of 4.5 billion for child care, but to the state at the same time, saving 11.8 billion. “

“Our calculations also show that shortening the parental leave represents a significant personaltillskott to childcare, as well, because the women working in the kindergartens would return to work earlier with a shorter maternity leave. Half the parental leave would, for example, strengthen the pre-school with 4 400 a preschool teacher and nanny.”

“That the state pay people to be at home with their children for long periods involves considerable pressures on the publicly funded welfare. The total bill for our föräldraförsäkringssystem is significantly higher than the billion in the state budget – which already is far too big. “

“For the whole of the parental insurance in Sweden is more than twice as high expenditure ratio in the OECD. To extend the leave through a “family week” is, therefore, to dig the state-administered kvinnofällan even deeper, and a further blow to the taxpayer. “

“Politics is about priorities, and we find ourselves in a situation where not least the social democrats to warn of a prosperity which will not be sufficient. To then add resources on the additional parental leave, which, moreover, will exacerbate the shortage of human resources in the public sector, is paradoxical, and deeply unfair to those who need welfare the most.”

“nKajsa Dovstad, freelance writer, and läkarenSiri Steijer, program director for industrial relations at Timbro”

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