only now, nearly 80 years after the second world war broke out, it seems the debate in Norway to approach the central by Hitler’s war: Racism set in the system.

the Nazi racist menneskehat caused the Shoah (Holocaust) and the eradication of six million jews. In addition, the purging of homosexuals, rom, and the disabled.

Second world war acted namely not about “national independence”, but about universal human dignity.

The two most talked about books in fiction and non-fiction has the Norwegian jews ‘ fate as omdreiningspunkt:

Simon Strangers novel “Lexicon of light and dark” using the imprisonment and murder of Hirsch Komissar (1887-1942) as the frame. At the same time portrayed the psychological development of “the face”, Henry Rinnan. And we get insight into why Strangers jewish in-laws after the war moved into Rinnanbandens torturhus in Trondheim.

He enter a story from A To. In the jewish tradition dies a man twice: First physically, then when the name of the dead be said, read and thought about, for the last time. The novel makes both the Komissar and several other now will live long among us.

Marte Michelets “What did the home front? The Holocaust in Norway: the Alerts, unnvikelsene, this concealment” deals with the fate of the Norwegian jews when the Disaster struck. 773 Norwegian jews, 53 percent of those registered, were sent to the nazi dødsleirer.

Michelet tells a story about betrayal: the Government in London failed to warn about the threat against the jews over the radio, despite claims from the BBC and the Jewish world congress. Front closed the routes to Sweden.

Why did not home the jews?

Norwegian policemen caught children, women and men who were sent to Auschwitz. The government’s representatives in Sweden wrote – after 532 jews were sent on the ship “Danube” 26. november 1942 – that “the state should not three supportive of” for the jews that survived, since “it is precisely as jews that they are “persecuted”. The church failed. And after the war frikjente Supreme court chief Knut Red for jødedeportasjonen, before he was reinstated, while the Gestapo-chief Wilhelm Wagner was pardoned in 1951 – after a certificate from a bishop. In the media, and books, were the jews were given the blame for his own death.

the Stranger and Michelet touches each other in the description of the Carl Fredriksens Transport – the volunteers who saved the lives of an estimated 350 jews by running them on trucks to Sweden.

the Stranger tells from the ceremony in the Oslo city hall when the four responsible in the Shipment was priced in January 2017. While Michelet writes that this somewhat random transit first began after the “Danube” had sailed to Auschwitz. And that the jews, as they only had to pay for the escape of his Helpers dug into nok 4.1 million, at current value, in the course of six weeks.

Both books should be read.

The widespread anti-semitism, what killed the jews in Norway, did not disappear after the war. As Rita Abrahamsen, the chairman of the board of The Jewish Community in Trondheim, told at the seminar about the Michelets book 20. December: “My predecessor as leader of The Jewish Community in Trondheim, norway was one of several Norwegian jews who felt that while the other Norwegian konsentrasjonsleirfangene got to go home, he had to stand again – and finally get home on your own.”

When thousands of jews from the concentration camps was rejected by the british in 1947, and sent back on the boat to Hamburg, refused Norway to accept some. As Oskar Mendelsohn mentions in his work “Jewish history” (1986), wrote a harmdirrende author Ragnar Kvam in the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet that it was an eyesore not to make it only decent: “immediately to offer the refugees to settle down here in our country – here in the Uk.”

Instead, one would preferably send them fleeing to the middle East.

the Stranger and Michelet makes us as readers to wonder: Can such a thing happen again?

Not with the jews. But a one year old Holocaustsenter report shows that around 31 per cent of all adults in the Uk – that 1.5 million norwegians – say, completely or partially agree that “muslims want to take over Europe”. Only 20 per cent of norwegians take the total distance from this idea, the very basis for Breivik’s terror.

Erling Lorentzen after the Michelets “bokbombe”: – no one Knew the things about jødedeportasjonen

Also today’s jews affected by the society prejudices. In 1929, Norway, as the first country in the world next to Switzerland, the ban on jewish koscherslakt. As late as in may 2014, just before the Constitution’s 200-year anniversary, rejected the Parliament to revoke the koscherforbudet – that only a handful of countries in the world enforce. But small pet friendly seals and whaling is perfectly fine.

the SV and Frp decided recently to ban the ritual circumcision of jewish male babies within eight days (brit mila), the foundation of the jewish faith. Abrahamsen pointed out in his speech before christmas:

“And after that the prohibitions are more and more, will bevegelsesrommet be less and less, and eventually it will be impossible to live as a jew in Norway. Not impossible to live – but impossible to live as a ‘jew’. A form of snikinnføring of paragraph 2?”

the Books of the Stranger and Michelet shows that we need a significant bevissthetsøkning. If Norway now don’t tackle the unpleasant facts about the treatment of Norwegian jews, one will not be able to treat other minorities properly in the future.

Here are three suggestions to clean up all the past sins:

1) Revoke the prohibition against koscherslakt: A modern state in the 21. century may not have a primitive prohibition against the slaughter that is accepted all over the world. The racist 1929-decision against the jews should be repealed as soon as possible.

2) Add a stumbling block around the Wergeland: 543 snublesteiner is laid down to commemorate Norway’s jewish victims of nazism. At the same time, Henrik Wergeland statue in Studenterlunden, without that it states that the Storting (parliament) in his life all the time, depressed, his proposal to give jews access to the kingdom.

A big stumbling block around the Wergeland statue, with all the victims ‘names engraved, will show that Norway takes All battle, and the jews’ fate seriously. Here we can get the memorial we yet lack for the 22. July-the victims.

3) Invite Auschwitz-families of Norway: Mendelsohn writes that of those who survived the war, it was only a “minority of the mellomeuropeiske jews that came to Norway again”. Norway was not something jødevennlig: Difficult to get entry after the escape, and the jews ‘ assets were stolen.

OSLO: June 1949, Norway has recognized the state of Israel. Norwegian jews traveling. Here waving a Norwegian-jewish family had to say goodbye to family and friends on the day of departure from Oslo Ø. Photo: NTB scanpix Show more

In 1946 there were only 559 jews left in Norway, over one thousand fewer than in 1942. In 1960 there were only 841. Now it is time to welcome the hundreds of Norwegian jews who survived the war, but that is not returned, welcome back. An open invitation to them and their descendants – and to those who were affected by the Norwegian Auschwitz-deportation – whether to settle here again. We make the door high and the gate wide. Welcome home!

– My jewish in-laws grew up in Rinnans torture chamber Dagbladet Plus