If a specialised asked the swedes what they felt the greatest confidence, for it is not incredible that Fredrik Lindström ended up at the top. Possibly in competition with Leif GW Persson. Both fill our apparently never saturated needs, how the adult we become, the grandfather we never had: a safe, kind, yet småsträng charles with a small smile in the corner of the mouth can tell us how things are out there, you understand, you see. And as we listen, for they are so learned. We believe, we think. Bejätta, mojfaj! Yes-a, grandpa will tell you.
At this point, Fredrik Lindström told so much about us – the pronoun is chosen with care – in both the SVT on the stage, in movies and books, it would not have space to enumerate here. Let’s just call it: who we are and how we behave.
We, us? Yes, the swedes.
continue Lindström with this time. The Ricky Gervais stolen the title suggests a wider grip, and he tells us certainly if our arts evolutionary development and the last (we may well regret to say) stage: a constant internal struggle between the snake, the monkey, the dog and smartphonefacit Siri. How facts, reason, and emotions fighting to control our actions.
But he slips continually into the typical svenskheter. And he does it right in, we are really only interested in ourselves and our country. We can laugh a little ironic to us, but continue to be the world champion of excellence. So he delivers the reflections, on the typical lindströmskt mannerisms dressed up to the irrefutable facts about the Swedish expression ”the human factor” which has a special position in our country, at least as regards the importance that something has gone very wrong due to someone has been proven to be human and not machine.
Or the excuse ”a fyllegrej”, it is apparently only here. How the brilliant brain of the former finance minister’s skull could determine that some snoppviftande was probably a good idea. Or our (at least sixty – and sjuttiotalisters) childhood’s idea of the ultimate ice cream Storstrut, such as when the, turned out to be a little useless vaniljfjutt with a waffle that tasted of paper.
very nicely written. But surprisingly enough for someone in this position and with this routine, in addition, at home, it is badly rushed, stressed expressed. Lindström vankar nervously back and forth, forth and back, on the stage and talking in a such a pace that it sometimes becomes difficult to listen, to hang out with. He drinks water in the middle of sentences (and comments on this mischief himself) and rushing forward in the material, do not stay up for more than a second, gives us no breaks, not wait for us. Whew, breathing human being. But, he never lost the thread. And finally, we sit there in all cases, we sometimes småskrattande alternately impressed says: ”aha, yes, that’s it!”.
It is a strange ability he possesses. Perhaps most impressive, and something that Lindström should do more, is when he is freaking out. Fredrik Lindström can lose koncepterna in a wonderful way, he can get caught in a detail and let go of his academic image, start swearing unchecked and barely breathe as he just grinds on. It is then his pace will be continued to exact and småputtrandet in the aisle turns into an orgasmic, uh, catharsis. The bastards, sorry, what good he is then.
And so he has become even a touch more confidence. Grandpa was actually not more than human.