“SD-politicians should not bring the tray,”

“the union has to stand up for all members”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“For a little over a week ago, the board of directors for the trade union to the Trade of a local elected official from office. It told the newspaper Handelsnytt. The woman is the president of the local branch of the union on an ICA Maxibutik in Skåne.”

“Then in the fall, she is also a representative for The sweden democrats in their municipality’s council. According to the Trade board it is contrary to the union’s constitution which states that members are not involved in activities ”

“– Trade members must be sure that elected officials seem to Trade interest, ” says the association’s press officer Jens Lundberg to Handelsnytt.”

“Offended as usual”

“the sweden democrats partiföreträdare is, as usual, offended. It surprises no one. More sensitive is what the suspended klubbordförandens peers at ICA Maxi think. After all it is they who have chosen the woman.”

“the Situation illustrates a dilemma several unions are facing. Is it possible for someone who is active in a party like the sweden democrats to represent a union that has equality and equal treatment enshrined already in the ändamålsparagrafen? And how will members ”

“the sweden democrats’ party leader does not believe fits into the country to be able to trust that their interests are taken advantage of by the trade union representative?nAnställda in the trade – many of which have foreign origin, and most are women – really need a tray that stands up for them.”

“On the other hand, if a large part of the members support a party like the sweden democrats, one might ask if not, their opinions must be represented? And on what moral or democratic argument shall be a national executive review of the members of the lokalrepresentanter?”

“the Truth is that there is a response. An association has responsibility yourself for who should represent and speak for the organization. It also applies to unions, and the Swedish trade union organizations have come to different perceptions when it comes to the representatives for The sweden democrats.”

“representing the commercial employees union has put the foot down when it comes to convening shop stewards in Skåne. The management have the statutes on their side, and frankly their arguments are strong also in the thing. A politician from The sweden democrats could probably not be a reliable representative for all Trade members. “