“SD rolls out the mat for the transport sector”

“Slutreplik from the S on EU-wide rules for commercial drivers”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“SLUTREPLIK. The road package is in danger. Chaufförers conditions are in danger. The european parliament is going to do yrkesförares working conditions better but the proposal soon to be voted is in danger. “

“the sweden democrats party colleagues is to roll out a bed of nails on the road to fair conditions for the transport sector.”

“We are now in the middle of the conclusion of the road package, on decent conditions for the road transport sector. A work carried out over several years. Together with my socialist colleagues, we have worked hard for us to get new better rules in place. “

“But Peter Lundgren (SD) friends and colleagues are doing everything to destroy and discourage. Time and again his party colleagues sabotaged the polls, both in the transport committee and in the plenary. “

“Our suggestions to make improvements for the transport sector include the fact that Swedish wages and conditions must apply to all who run transport in Sweden, he should not be forced to sleep in his truck, and that the employer shall be responsible for reasonable sleep, and reasonable driving time and rest periods not at risk road safety is introduced.”

“For me, it is obvious that Swedish wages and Swedish terms and conditions shall apply to all who run transport in Sweden. It shall apply to both truck drivers and bus drivers. Regardless of their nationality. And no matter if they are running national or international transport. We socialists stand for our values. Everything from when we’re talking with voters when we vote.”

“If högerpopulisterna continues to postpone the vote, the risk is that our proposal is delayed until after the election and then the chaos on the roads continue for several years. It’s all or nothing now.”

“Lundgren and his party colleague Thomas Morell claims to now stand up for a ”healthy transportnäring”. He wants to follow us socialists, he is of course free to do so. For my part, I do everything I can to get decent regulations in the transport sector in place.”

“nMarita Ulvskog, Mep (S)”

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“the Article is a slutreplik. Read the full the debate here – ”