“Watch out – now attacked the freedom of women again”

“the Debaters: Despite 100 years of women’s suffrage, the fight to continue.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. On 17 december 1918, the Swedish parliament decided that the women would get to vote in the local election. The decision was a huge victory for all the women who joined together in the fight for their political rights. Let us celebrate the centenary of women’s right to vote by paying tribute to the wide systerskapet and resist the other forces that still try to prevent the women’s organization.”

“The fight for women’s right to vote was a long time in the headwind. In the early 1900s did the rulers and men in general everything in order to stop the bourgeois women to ally themselves with working class women and vice versa. It took until 1918 before the parliament decided to give women the right to vote in the local election and until 1919, before universal and equal suffrage.”

“the Experience echoes the familiar to the second-wave feminist advances during the 1960s and 1970s. Then you got the women hear that the battle would be class against class, sex against sex. In the fight for särbeskattning knocked a wedge in between housewives and working women.”

“the conservatives and The patriarchal forces that wanted to keep särbeskattningen didn’t have to fight the battle themselves, but could be content to give support to the built-in konfliktlinjen and chuckle that women, indeed could not, cooperate.”

“After 100 years of kvinnokamp, we know that they were wrong. Women certainly can’t work – the resistance and all of our differences. In the group women has a collective experience of being subordinate to men regardless of class, origin, age and other characteristics. “

“It can accommodate, for example, experience to earn less than men, to bear a greater responsibility for home and family and to be exposed to men’s sexual harassment and violence.”

“the Desire to break this subordination is the basis of women’s common aspiration towards a different social order.”

“In Sweden suggests he had in his budgetmotion for 2019 to all, support to women’s organizing should be withdrawn”

“the Feminists hate the wide systerskapet more than anything else because it seriously threatens men’s power. This is all to prevent the women’s association. “

“Either through a direct segregation of women, that is to say, that women have been kept at home, or by their meetings and organisations have bakbundits. But also indirectly by consistently emphasize the other grupptillhörigheter. It took place in the early 1900s, undern1960 and 70s and even today.”

“the Nationalist and conservative parties are gaining ground around the world, has appointed women to one of their huvudfiender. In Viktor orban’s Hungary silenced women’s organisations and other critical voices through regulations and legislation. In Sweden suggests he had in his budgetmotion for 2019 to all, support to women’s organizing should be withdrawn.”

“We have to defend old victories that the right to abortion, särbeskattning and the freedom to organize themselves.”

“at the same time, there is a trend from the left to focus on differences between women. In all situations divide the women in the constituents other than the sex and tell us if that other oppression, discrimination, and interests are more important than the subordination of our sex is also a way to counter the wide systerskapet.”

“We believe it is high time that women with different backgrounds, opinions, and experiences come together and to meet the current backlash against women’s rights. “

“We have to defend old victories that the right to abortion, särbeskattning and the freedom to organise themselves. But we also need to find new, sweeping reforms that is forcing society in a progressive, sustainable, and egalitarian direction.”

“Let us commemorate the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote by show broad solidarity of women in between.”

“nAnna Giotas Sandquist, president, the Swedish KvinnolobbynClara Berglund, secretary-general, the Swedish women’s lobby”