“Separate the art and abuse”
“Carl Michael Edenborg on the UN proposal to stamp the literature that child pornography”
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“Want the UN to ban Vladimir nabokov’s novel Lolita? After over a half century of relative artistic freedom?”
“at Least, many have interpreted a new proposal from the UN committee on the rights of the child on the way. Among others, the Swedish journalist Nils Funcke has criticised its impact on freedom of expression.”
“It is difficult not to associate to the famous Swedish ”mangafallet”:”
“in 1979, a bill to prohibit the dissemination of child pornography, including drawings. Among the replies was the Swedish writers ‘ union, which attacked the fact the basic premise: a ban on cartoon fantasies of the imaginary children was seen as a step towards the curtailment of also of literature, and freedom. “
“the Law was voted through. 1999 extended it to also apply to holdings. “
“2010 was sentenced as a professional translator of written japanese mangaserier in both the district court and the Svea court of appeal for offences against this act. At a search found the police to find some barnporrteckningar in the translator’s enormous mangasamling. “
“This would be a perfect fit for the totalitarian, pornografihatande regimes: these would get a UN mandate for its repression and censorship.”
“An intense mediedebatt followed. 2012 was acquitted translator in the Supreme court. “
“A sigh of relief spread among them who did not belong to the mixture of maoister, baptists, -radical feminists and liberal women’s association, which pushed forward the foiled bill in 1979. “
“A common thought for all of us who involved ourselves in the case was that the legal system must be able to distinguish between fantasy and reality and that it is not polismaktens responsibility to determine what is art.”
“a couple Of months ago came to the UN committee for children’s rights with a proposal for new guidelines for the implementation of the international legislation on child pornography – crc (CRC, 1989) and its extension (OPS, 2000).”
“I’m not as confident as Nils Funcke in the united nations want to ban Lolita. Rather, it shows the committee’s proposals, how complex and paradoxical many laws and debates on child pornography often is. “
“maybe the clearest example is that the UN committee is well into its text suddenly advocating that the word ”child pornography” is avoided. This for that child victims should not be compared with porraktörer and other adult sex workers.”
“the Committee would like to instead use an expression such as ”child sexual abuse material” ochu002Feller ”child sexual exploitation material”. I have no clue how these would be translated into Swedish. “
“The new names refers to ”any representation of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities, regardless of the medium” – whether these media are photographs, films, drawings, comics, texts, sculptures or toys.”
“the Committee’s motivation: ”such depictions help to normalise the sexualisation of children and nurtures the interest of ’child sexual abuse material’.” “
“know, However, the committee is not which leg to stand on: At another place in the text are defined namely these depictions as ”recorded material (images, videos, audio recording) of the children who are the victim of sexual abuse”. “
“Here, they claim that the illegal material must be deleted from the real abuse and real child’s suffering.”
“I’m guessing that självmotsägelsen have emerged from the committee’s willingness to come to phenomena of this type: a of our world, fortunately, few pedophiles to document their grooming and their rapes in the writing and the cartoon image, which then spread to like-minded people. “
“Such networks are: 2011, for example, a much-publicized trial rooms at Falu district court, where 23 women and one man were convicted of having shared images of naked children with each other. “
“In my lekmannaögon should-such texts and drawings be able to be seized of the legal system. The link to the real abuse is clear. And the difference vis-à-vis artistic work is abysmal.”
“Unfortunately, the UN committee failed to articulate this difference. The grötar together two different things: on the one hand society the necessary airway so that literature, art and entertainment, both the documentation and dissemination of the real crimes of sexual violence, for sexual purposes.”
“It mentions, however, that it can be difficult to know with certainty whether or not an image has been ”primarily sexual purposes” and, therefore, that the countries’ judicial systems to take into account the context. But neither the ”context” or ”sexual purposes” defined.”
“Whether this ambiguity is due to carelessness or stupidity, has, apparently, led to outraged reactions of the type ”now burn the Nabokov!” But far worse: turbidity provides a chance for some nations to (mis)interpret the guidelines just in the direction. This would be a perfect fit for the totalitarian, pornografihatande regimes: these would get a UN mandate for its repression and censorship.”
“the Committee now addresses the proposal -a reply. Hopefully this leads work much clearer guidelines: Both to protect the real child victims, and to protect the historically, through the vastness of the victims framkämpade the right to artistic freedom.”