“Seriehjälten as the pod is five plus”

“Patrik Syk on a long-awaited second season of ”Wolverine””

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“did you hear vrålet? No, you did do it. The world’s coolest podcast has just rolled out its second season, but on the hajptåget it is puzzling quiet. Of course, hanging it together with the Marvel Wolverine – the lost trail just like its previous season, not released on all available platforms, but only on american Stitcher, behind a betalvägg. But still, it’s so insanely good.”

“When Marvel 2018 decided to make several of their perhaps most frequently portrayed character after Spider-man so they saw to it that it got done properly. A production team on a total of 22 people and an additional 25 credited voice actors was a new record in the poddvärlden.”

“the First season was also just as groundbreaking as seriejätten had hoped for. Then took place the story in a cold and desolate Alaska, where two agents snokade around in the bloody trail of a certain mutant with metallklor (skillfully played by Richard Armitage) left behind.”

“In season two have Logan (Wolverine) on his escape from his enemies ended up in the swamps around New Orleans. A new backdrop to ljudsätta but also a new way to tell the story now revolves almost exclusively around Wolverine and not the agents who in the past mostly took place in history.”

“But the best from the first season are left. The sounds and atmospheres grasps almost frighteningly efficient a hold of me right from the first second. Chloe Prasinos, and Brendan Baker are a combined the directing and sound design-the team and they are the real stars here. The small details, how a whisper moving a foot from right to left and gives an idea of how a room looks and how someone moves in it. Armitages sullen hiss as Logan. The murmur at the farmers market. It’s so cleverly that I just sit and smile to myself.”

“so Far, five of the ten episodes released and I’m sitting on needles. A brutal and dark story about the disappearance of the mutants deep into the Louisiana swamplands. There are five dancing plus and the idea to have five episodes left to enjoy does not make it worse.”