DebattÅSIKTSkam that health care providers are forced to självförsvarIrene Svenonius (M): Insecurity in the whole country increases – it requires new action This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.Photo: TTDet new security situation requires new actions. For our part in the Stockholm county hospitals initiated close cooperation with the Police, which means that they are automatically associated with the firings send police cars to the emergency room, writes Irene Svenonius (M).DEBATE

Twelve nurses in the emergency department at the county hospital in Kalmar, on its own initiative during the autumn trained in self-defense. In my spare time, but in the hospital’s premises, they have learned självförsvarets basics and how to deal with threatening situations. This after threats and violence in the emergency department increased over the past few years. This reported the newspaper Aftonbladet yesterday.

It is important that these problems be addressed. The nurses in the emergency department in Kalmar is not alone. This is a large and in addition growing problem for health care employees across the country.

In the county I lead, the Stockholm county council, says the 3500 employees that they have been subjected to threats or violence at work. The majority of these working in health care. Many of the employees that I met during the last two years testify to an increasingly rougher and tougher treatment. Fly with insults is the closest to everyday life.

A nurse at a hospital in the Stockholm region that I met told me that she has found knives on the wounded who come to the emergency room. Another told me that sometimes they find the weapons. Several also testify to a concern for what the injured relatives, family, or friends, to take with her into the emergency room. But the concern is not just for knives and weapons, but also to be visited outside the working hours. This has led to many people turning on their name tags.

Fear is not unfounded. Insecurity in the whole country increases, both the perceived and actual. The crime prevention council slutstatistik for 2017 reveals that the number of recorded crimes and recorded cases of lethal violence increases. Despite the fact that the year is not yet the end of the 42 people lost their lives in over 270 firings around the country.

the Greatest proportion occurs in the major metropolitan areas, but the Police report that organized crime started to establish themselves in smaller cities and towns. This is done at the same time as Sweden has not been this low polistäthet in ten years.

In the beginning of the year, for example, 16 police officers rush to the emergency room in Solna

There are several examples of when the shootings gone out over the also health care. After a shooting in Rinkeby in the beginning of the year, for example, 16 police officers rush to the emergency room in Solna, at the same time as the double väktarskiften were in place to maintain the peace and quiet.

another example is the shooting in Östberga in Stockholm last summer. Afterwards sought out many of those who participated in the gänguppgörelsen to the emergency department at the Karolinska university Hospital in Solna, where there was uproar and a large police operation. Similar situations have also occurred at the Skåne university hospital.

health Care must have extended opportunities to camera monitoring

The new security situation requires new actions. For our part in the Stockholm county hospitals initiated close cooperation with the Police, which means that they are automatically associated with the firings send police cars to the emergency room.

We see over the possibility to introduce body-worn cameras for the stewards on our emergency rooms and we have started a pilot project with the anonymous name tags, with the goal to then introduce it wide in the whole of the county council.

From the end of the year, we will also introduce a trygghetsutbildning to the employees who want to get better tools in the way they handle dangerous and difficult situations.

The measures we put in, in the best cases, can contribute to cure the symptoms created by a Gobahis more precarious society, but we can not on their own get away the root of the problems. This needed several urgent measures from the state:

the Whole country needs more policemen with higher wages.

health Care must have extended opportunities to camera monitoring.

The need for a stronger legal protection for health care employees.

It is also required an amendment to the hospitals shall have the right to make use of larmbågar in the emergency room, in order to prevent that dangerous objects be taken into, for example, in connection with the firings or acts of terrorism.

the Problems are for real and goes out to employees, patients and families. It is important that they are noticed, but they also need to be addressed urgently. No one should have to be afraid to go to the emergency room. Nobody should have to be afraid to go to work in the emergency room.

It is a shame for the rule of law that nurses should have to take courses in self-defense to be safe on the job. The next government must give priority to security issues, also for the nursing staff.

Irene Svenonius (M), finanslandstingsråd the Stockholm county council

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how to write an op-ed 00:34ARTIKELN IS OMIrene Svenonius+ FÖLJKriminalpolitik+ FÖLJVård & care+ FÖLJArbetsmiljö+ FÖLJBrott+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅ27 november NYHETERSjuksköterskor in the emergency room in Kalmar and learn självförsvar2 October LEDAREModerater only care about the storstäder16 October LEDAREKvinnor care for sick children and healthy män2 december DEBATTVi are subjected to violence and intimidation on the job every day 24 October NYHETERKaoset at the hospital, the nurse Victoria, 24, to resign