Tallinn dolls in a brothel, having cabin sex.Monique Dolls range offers one of the dolls, Sofia. Erakogu/Õhtuleht
in the centre of Tallinn-Narva highway, located in a beautiful old wooden house, known among the locals still apteekkina. The pharmacy of this house has, however, changed out already. House treatment is still human, but now in a different way.
Tallinn doll brothel, Monique Dolls, doesn’t want to keep self-noise. It doesn’t let me know anything, and the entrance not marked in any way.
Finnish customers it can, however, very. Appointment of the successful phone in Finnish or at least Finnish and English sekamongerruksella, and the door against the upcoming young brothel hostess is friendly, but serious.
as Soon as the doorway is clear that Tallinn dolls in a brothel is not similar boisterous atmosphere as the Helsinki Kannelmäki Unique dolls last. Monique dolls last the atmosphere is quiet, rigid and devout.
Sex in Estonia is a serious issue, also with the doll hobby.
€ 50 entry fee will get to spend the Sofia follow in one hour. Erakogu/ÕhtulehtEi cameras
the Hostess to cash in smoothly 50 euros, and led then to the venue, i.e. room house with an attic floor.
Monique Dolls website suggests that ”work” is more than one doll, but in reality the dolls is offered only one, Sofia.
the Hostess of course, that the more dolls on order and they should arrive shortly.
−we Are surprised that we have received a favor, he said in Estonian and in the same breath praises bordellinsa hygiene one hundred percent.
−the Status and the dummy is kept clean, it is not necessary to doubt.
a Particularly hygiene-conscious customers Monique Dolls will sell their own personal irtovaginoita, which they can take with them and install the dummy contraindications to the use of the moment. Vagina the price is 40 euros, but for regular customers only 25 euros.
the Hostess to ensure that the customer have with the camera and that he is not a journalist. According to him, the press attention interferes with the business, as the dolls brothel customers are of coy people who value privacy above all else.
Tallinn dolls in a brothel not march and swagger jacket open, or a joke, but quietly stealthily through the back door collars upright.
Tallinn sex doll brothel’s interior is austere. Erakogu/ÕhtulehtPäähän elf hat
the Room is simple and it fit in just other pieces of furniture like a pink cover, covered with cheap bed, on top of which the blonde Sofia is currently resting in the supine position with blond curls sprawled.
the Doll is so realistic as a silicone doll just can’t be. In the twilight it could keep people.
the corner of the Room has a shower, and a small table with condoms and lube, as well as one song in French porn magazines. The magazine is a little worn. Covered the speakers kaikaa soft music, which I guess is supposed to add to the erotic atmosphere.
If she likes a doll brothel interior is modern and Russian style ylellinenkin, so Tallinn’s done dolly your humble cottage atmosphere.
the Bed squeaked in mökkisää, when it tumbles in Sofia next.
a change of clothes in Sofia is, if not taken into account of seasonal appropriate red elf hat. Cap fits sofia’s head like a glove.
doll brothel hostess promises that the more dolls on order. Erakogu/ÕhtulehtNuken pairing?
the 50 euro entrance fee to get to spend the Sofia followed in one hour term 9-20. If the time is stretched for a long period, is the hostess point already at the door knocking.
He told me that Monique Dolls, activity is getting some changes and ”new rules”. He did not want to elaborate on those new rules, but it seems that the owner of afraid of a doll brothel corresponding to the Estonian police in the eyes of ordinary brothel.
Procuring is a crime in Finland than in Estonia, but at least so far, both countries have been interpreted in this of the only people in the pairing.
Could it be that nukenkin for pimping can be put on trial? That I don’t think there have been examples of cases anywhere in the world.
estonia’s president already requires that people and robots between sex the day you should lay down clear rules.
This case has been used for the exceptional information acquisition means. Journalism according to the instructions of journalism is the work recommended to inform the profession. Information you must strive to acquire in the open. If socially significant facts cannot be otherwise investigated, the journalist may conduct interviews and obtain information also differs from ordinary by the way.
reporter Emmi Oksanen try what it feels like sex doll Finland’s first sex doll brothel. Give Spring Bay