
The office is like a Dating Agency, so many couples meet at work. At the same time, problematic relationships are always public. Recently, the Swiss Life: Markus Leibundgut, Switzerland-the chief of the life insurer, has a relationship with his longtime chief of Staff, which is led to internal have heated discussions.

there is potential for conflict in the case of Job-relations almost always. Not only on the carpet for days or hierarchies. Also, for the same provided they are burdensome. Because of the possible Blends that must be addressed by professional and private interests. And because Teams or entire companies can be shaken. Not only when the Amorous alliances against colleagues forging. It is suspected that someone has due to the Job or is a privilege of love is enough.

Even if a office interferes with love never remains the suspicion of the Love stick, usually on the woman. In General, it is also necessary to take a career in buying, if the relationship is public. So wars at Swiss Life: Leibundguts partner had to leave the company.

Certainly, we are all adult people. But who knows in what emotional States he can get when a love relationship breaks up. Or if the two Verknallten one day have no more desire to each other because they see each other every day. In bed and in the office, in the evening and in the holidays.

Therefore, it is necessary to tame any feelings (Yes, that’s possible), or to an equivalent position on the lookout, if something is coming. Because in the end it is not his Job, because you want to fall in love, but only because you want to earn a meaningful activity for its livelihood. Therefore, a Relationship is prohibited in the workplace makes sense – that the love can remain what it is: private.

Andreas Tobler


fell in Love with the Boss? Affair in the workplace? Tricky, tricky. The rumor mill, the working climate suffers, conflicts of interest, threaten the reputation of the company, the course of business. It is understood that employers have every interest to regulate the internal relationships of its employees, to make it a notifiable disease, or to prohibit the same entirely.

Wise employer, however, the logical impulse is not to give in. And the wise legislator will not be casting rules on the handling of the love at work in paragraphs. Well, the opposite would be meant as well. Because, firstly, it is the employer nothing, where the love falls with its employees. And that she will fall often, where on a daily basis to do with each other, is not particularly surprising.

but, Secondly, and more importantly, Who regulates, besides the working hours, holiday entitlements, the expenses and the private use of the Internet access in the company the love lives of his employees by employment law and contract clauses, cultivated a climate of basic, all-encompassing mistrust. And it’s bad for business. Who pulls whose chain? its employees, it does not need to be surprised if they are poorly motivated.

conversely, this means, however, that employees, where the employer exacts responsibility, must assume this responsibility. To fall in love on the job, is okay with that (and you can not seriously prevent). If a relationship at work could actually affect business processes, or to gossip, and gossip is cause to expect a superior right to that of the Lovers on it. And that we look for solutions together. This is called: professionalism, in professional as in Private.

Edgar Schuler


What is your opinion: Should love be prohibited at the workplace?

I would terminate for the love also.





I’d quit for love.


265 votes





I’d quit for love.


265 votes

Created: 07.11.2019, at 22:19