“Shuffle the kids to school – so we get a kamrateffekt”

“Debater: The free skolvalet and friskolesystemet leads to an unequal school”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. With talented players and tough discipline, created the Soviets a målmaskineri without equal.nSpelaruppsättningen in soviet spain in the hockey delivered gold after gold throughout the 1970s and 80s. Some similarities can be drawn to our time friskolekoncerner. “

“Just as the soviet national team was driven by harsh discipline and pegging to itself the best talent, look friskolekoncernerna to attract the most resourceful and motivated to study pupils under pressure from parents and teachers deliver the desirable score, sometimes by glädjebetygssättning.”

“Several reports and research studies indicate that the free skolvalet has led to skolsegregationen strengthened. Students with highly educated parents to seek out schools with a large proportion of resourceful and motivated to study students. Something that, in turn, makes elevsorteringen consolidated. “

“According to a report from the Swedish national agency for Education published earlier this year, the differences in the students’ föräldrabakgrund increased between the schools.”

“When the concentration of students with a certain amount of background increases, the affected individual’s school performance”

“family Background, i.e. parental education and income, has important implications for how it is possible for school pupils. This has long been known within the research. Also when the concentration of students with a certain amount of background increases, the affected individual’s school performance. “

“Several research studies have for example shown that both the performance of low-achieving students are positively affected by that there are many high-performing students in the classroom. Students affected simply by the classmates ‘ behavior or performance. It is usually called, kamrateffekter.”

“the learning climate can be improved by a high proportion of motivated to study students in the same class.”

“In a new report, written for the LO’s Jämlikhetsutredning, compile I the research (including my own) about the meaning of the kamrateffekter. “

“Kamrateffekterna can operate in many different ways: for example, by a student to help with schoolwork of their studievana and high school friends, or that the learning climate can be improved by a high proportion of motivated to study students in the same class. “

“in Addition, london will have an impact on both pupils ‘and teachers’ expectations and thereby influence pupils ‘ educational outcomes.”

“Kamrateffekternas importance in the Swedish school should not be underestimated”

“Is friskolesystemet then consistent with the Swedish school’s compensatory mission, which has the starting point to offer all students an equal education? “

“the Answer to that question is, of course, no. Kamrateffekternas importance in the Swedish school should not be underestimated. “

“the Back of the free skolvalet – schools and parents actively opt-out of certain students – means that the positive effects of the more mixed the classes are lost.”

“But, unlike the soviet national ice hockey team, there will be no mästerskapsmedaljer for the Swedish school. Leads friskolesystemet in its current form to a school where the resourceful students will benefit – at the expense of their less resourceful peers. “

“The only gain with it is the giant aktiebolagsvinster.”

“nJulia Boguslaw, phd in economics, and LO-the economist”

“n Join in the debate and comment on the artikelnn – like Aftonbladet Debate on Facebook.”