“Sifo: red and green leads of the ruling coalition parties had agreed”

“The red-green leadership has increased slightly and is just over 4 percentage points compared with the ruling coalition parties had agreed. The liberals and the green Party is, and balances close to the fyraprocentsspärren, shows Sifos latest väljarbarometer presented in the Svenska Dagbladet and Göteborgs-Posten.”

“it got lost somewhat compared to the last väljarbarometern.”

“The sweden democrats note of the highest figure, 20 percent, as the party got in a Sifoundersökning. Even the social democrats increases compared with the survey in november.”

“But none of the changes are statistically significant. It applies to all parties in the decembermätningen.”

“8 658 interviews was conducted from 3-13 december, and the question was:”

“the Figure from the novembermätningen in parentheses:”

“Source: Swedish Dagbladetu002FSifo”