DebattÅSIKTSmåföretagarna is our new arbetarklassS-politician: it is right, Therefore, to develop policy on the basis of C and L:s list of demands This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.Photo: TT, GETTYLööfs and björklund’s requirements need not be the ”poison pill” which can lead to extra options but an opportunity for us social democrats, writes Sebastian Merlöv, and Jonas Michanek.DEBATE

DEBATE. The centre party and the Liberals have now formulated their demands to release a S-labeled government, which has created an outcry and suspicion from both the right and the left. They both partiledarnas rhetoric is tough and requires that the social democrats must make a ”högergir” and push liberal reforms.

however, If one takes a step back so you can see that this may be the way to blocköverskridande cooperation, at the same time as it is a way to create the necessary reforms to secure the future of Sweden and to find back to many of the voters who have socialist roots. How does this go together?

We believe that the road goes through reforms linked to the small businesses in Sweden. These give better endurance in the bad times, the inroads of new jobs, but also a platform for new innovation that reaches the international markets. And many of the new generation of entrepreneurs like as well as we are a socially stable välfärdsgrund mixed with a liberal and innovative superstructure.

Swedish enterprise and the labour market has over the past 30 years has changed dramatically. From the engine of the economy has been large Swedish-owned industrial enterprises and large public bets, so is a big part of our engine in the 1.1 million small businesses with 0 to 5 employees that are active in areas ranging from construction, civil engineering, technical service, restaurant to IT and the games.

A part of these small businesses have emerged voluntarily, but many of these have also been established for the large companies in several different sectors dramatically cut down in their organizations. That previously would have worked in the industry, working maybe as a subcontractor to a construction company with a backhoe and two employees.

The who previously worked at a large telecom company today works in small technology startups.

Manufacturing enterprises will no longer the obvious way to entry jobs for young, low-skilled or foreign-born. The role has largely been taken over by small businesses. One of the reasons why Sweden coped with the economic crisis the last time so good, was also linked to that small enterprises were flexible and redundancies limited.

small business has, however, developed under the regulations relating to both tax legislation and the labour market which were intended for the large companies, where the worker often lived an anonymous life and decisions at different levels, was made by the officials.

Nidbilden of small business owners, as a greedy figure where the ”money is everything” hangs around despite the fact that small business owners, in reality, earn less, work more, it lacks much of the society’s insurance policies and often takes İllegal Bahis the big familjeekonomiska risks.

In reality, turning often small business owners on everything they can to not be forced to terminate an employee when such a situation occurs.

If we go back to the demands of C and L can neither Annie Loof or Jan Björklund based on a responsible way to imply that the whole of our labour market and tax systems will undergo far-reaching neoliberal bets then this can have undreamt-of and the strongly opposite effect even for their own kärnväljare.

The ill-considered laissez-faire liberalisation of the welfare sector with the private equity firms that took over, is a deterrent example. Swedish people like to people can take the initiative in all fields, but not to large listed groups of companies should carve gold at the taxpayers ‘ expense.

Swedish people enough not to support its international corporations, which are now no longer Swedish-owned, should be able to restructure their operations completely unregulated at the expense of the Swedish welfare. On the other hand, you are welcome to enthusiasts driver such as kindergartens and to innovative small-scale entrepreneurs to develop health and social care.

Therefore, it should blocköverskridande cooperation be focused on new opportunities for our small businesses so that we can ensure up fair regulatory framework for small-scale entrepreneurs and their employees.

We need solutions for this ”new working class” which is derived from their needs and not the solutions that were created during the great industrial period of time.

Why not create a new regulatory framework which is also based on hållbarhetstankar in the Agenda 2030? Why not switch the increased taxes on capital and real estate against småföretagarreformer and hållbarhetssatsningar at the same time, we cherish our social platform?

Let us strengthen the small business insurance further, let us develop better procurement systems that do not benefit the corporation and let us protect the integrity of small business owners against undeclared work and fraud. Let us in the true socialist way to safeguard the little hard working citizen. The painter, the electrician, the furniture designer, the it specialist and the owner of the restaurant.

For C and L, it means that they justify their cooperation to get the support of one of their key issues – issues that we have not even managed to get through during their time as the reigning alliance.

For us social democrats, it means that we take responsibility for a sector that has to cope with the next recession, which provides inroads to more jobs and an important component to ensure the welfare forward.

It also means that we once again become relevant for small business owners and their employees who have their core values in the socialist idea of a just society, but become a frånstötta then they become the elephant in the room treated by the existing regulatory framework and customary stereotypes.

The centre party and the Liberal requirements do not need to be the ”poison pill” which can lead to extra options but an opportunity for us social democrats to establish a blocköverskridande cooperation and continue to take responsibility for the country at the same time as we address one of society’s most important areas.

Get to know that the social democrats have long been the second most popular party among företagsväljarna. With a smart negotiation with the L and C we believe that’s in the long term will be able to get a greater support in the electorate. And an even stronger Sweden. A Sweden built in the middle.

Sebastian Merlöv , president of Lomma arbetarkommun (S) and the small business owner then 24 years old
Jonas Michanek , the City of Malmö (S) and the small business owner for 20 years

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