It was premiered a happy reunion with “snow white Beauty Queen” for children, the family piece, the Playhouse Co-artistic Director, Nicolas Stemann, in November, the peacocks and the criticism you read here. Now we are on the same wild Ride, but with the addition of “adult”, and the Critics-Bagage made in the break, the lively Tale of guesswork: there Was the Blocher-Köppel-Gag for the Kids already, or was it now? The Gemotze over, “shit, Director’s theatre”? And the Hoe has to entertain the Nouveau riche, warped Zurich mountain-Brats, the the old fairy tale “uncle” – is still terrific: Lukas Vögler – for a pittance?

Much different than the children’s version – which was limited to only one – come anyway, just the Intro and Finale. Nevertheless, the second visit of the almost two and a half hour performance was worth it alone for the first song, the there’s – a miracle evil apocalyptic climate disasters-Vision from the Off (tender Children, little voice: “Mama? What snow is?” warm mother’s voice: “it’s frozen rain, there is now only the very top of the mountain, there used to be in the Winter, anywhere”) – hung klampft of Thomas Kürstners fascinating Hippie grandma and Sebastian bird cool young Gigolo is.

Famos nasty

The Lyrics are great community, full of Beatles-wisps and other references (such as the entire piece), of course, too sprawling, to be entirely quoted. Drum a Passage from the General Hurt that has taken Stemann here famos mean just.

The first Song, only for the Large
“… pulls Someone out of the context, someone controls to each case on age, poverty, anyone sitting at the airport and the light, someone doesn’t like his nose. And everyone, everyone, has at least cursed two versions of his life – a fairy tale in … And everything belongs to someone, e.g., Childhood, darn. Everything belongs to somebody else, or somebody wants it, or again, So does democracy…. Each one takes what he can have, try to keep it, even Childhood, to get even more, no matter how. Dictatorships actually work similar, just that one is faster dead if you are against it …Who can rely on the truth, when every contradiction disappears, everything has something to use … And at some point, if capitalism is over, mmh, and no one has a financial interest in us, mmhmmh; if the religions are finished, mmhmmh, and no one is a moral need for us – then I want to go Hand-in-Hand with you through Zurich, and you say: Maybe we don’t need fairy tales more …”

To melt the snow from the globally-warmed earth. No, the new artistic Director of the Schauspielhaus gives us nothing. But this is a whole amusing: a “snow white”-cabaret, the connection is capable of longing for all of the latest discourses, and is shot through childhood and adult weakness of the heart.

Vegan liver and rice balls in rice: Nicolas Stemanns “snow white” for adults – and also the version for Kids – draws-to-date Esstrends by the almond milk cocoa. Photo: Zoé Aubry

It is a highly funny, with a hot needle knitted thing with six dull backigen right outer-dwarves, the purified; and with a ruthless calculating game head and money sexy snow white-Papi (Matthias Neukirch), not purified, and a beauty Horny stepmother (Tabita, John); with a little red riding hood (Henni Jörissen), which, in the adult Version, in the end as corruptible, is like the snow white (Giorgina Hämmerli), the hunter (Kay Kysela), and the love of the Wolf (Songhay Toldon).

Herbert Fritsch was awarded for his stunning fairytale evening for adults at the peacocks, “Grim fairy tales”, 2017 is quite more Evil and grave, dark openness. The healing-free Shape jumped up in a suffocating world full of colorful monster pillows on trampolines up and down, as if just a children’s birthday party out of control. And they said, and without big additions, the old, bloody fairy-tale texts with the many dead children, and draconian penalties, the Hunger and misery and the apparent marriage of happiness.

stage entertainment-Master Stemann wisecrack frisky by the stimulus words list of “foreigners out” and “vegan”.

Herbert Fritsch’s high-pressure-Hopping between Kasper theater and horror theater, between abstraction and physicality, fooling around, and cruelty was like a cold Hand: So much horror, so a lot of showers over the genuine Distress in the Fairy tale Wonderland was on the stage, never.

But Stemann, not seeking timeless and strict criticism of the conditions and circumstances which were unjustified, and remain. But the stage entertainment-Master of jokes already in the children’s version of kicking the stimulus words list of “foreigners” and “politically correct” to “vegan”, of Trump-quotes to AfD-Slogans – and wants the zugucke the Bibi and Tina still have the dream of a fair, feminist, rainbow-Green-Deal-future not take. At least not quite. In all the irony he can, according to Nicole, a little peace, a little bit of love buzz. And his great theatre of the people with sway in this political Comedy so contagious that at the end of it all cheers.

“snow white” for adults: 10.12., 26.12., 8.1.2020, 28.1.. you can find More information here.

Created: 05.12.2019, 16:47 PM