Sveriges Radio, Sveriges Television and Utbildningsradion play important roles on the Swedish media market. The enriches the editorial offer and contribute to a deepening of the investigative journalism. Without a wide and powerful public service would be Sweden a poor country.

But the three programbolagen is not alone to engage in socially relevant journalism. Sweden’s roughly 460 daily and free newspapers are responsible decades ago for the basic coverage in the country. No other medieslag review as many municipal decisions, reports as the conclusion of landstingsbudgetar and highlights the development of the local business community as closely as the newspapers.

It is also in the press that the national and local debates reaching both the deepest and the widest. The newspapers is undoubtedly as important to democracy as public service. At least. And at the local level is the county or the local newspaper absolutely crucial for a fully-fledged democracy.

an equally strong democracy, which in the day so there needs to be a healthy balance in the media market. Not at least if we as citizens and nyhetskonsumenter to have access to a wide and qualitative range in the day.

in recent years, the digital development has changed the media business in the basis. In 2008, the print newspaper ad revenue to more than eleven billion. Today is the same revenue for the print and digital news media at approximately seven billion. The majority of the expatriates money has ended up with global platforms like Google and Facebook. But at the same time that more than one third annonskrona left journalism have newspapers adapted, developed new ways of working and business models.

this modern form of financing puts the relationship to the public service in a new light. The decision programbolagen take get now direct repercussions for the country’s newspapers.

In short, it has gone from a annonsfinansierad journalism to a business that for the most part, paid by the readers. This modern form of financing puts the relationship to the public service in a new light. The decision programbolagen take get now direct repercussions for the country’s newspapers. Today, public service and newspapers in the same media platforms. It is available as pods, in apps, on web, moving image and social media. And because the public service is financed with public funds, it poses extra demands on how to act.

write a summary article, which is based on a news which was first published by a local newspaper, getting it all other effects in the day than what it was just a few years ago. In the past, those radio or tv spots is often one or several hours later in the company’s various news programs. Today is the summed up textartikeln out in their channels just a few minutes after the newspaper published its ursprungsnyhet. The summary article is then freely available in the public service. At the same time, want the newspaper to charge for the item on their site to be able to replace reporters, editors and other employees.

in Addition, we have the relationship to platforms like Facebook and Youtube. Also affect the public services publiceringsbeslut newspapers ‘ opportunities to conduct their business. For example, when the SVT puts out a program or clip on these platforms created a huge amount of data on those who look at the material, for example, what they like, their interests and where they live. The information using Facebook and Youtube when they sell their advertising services, which are direct competitors to the papers.

The balance is fragile and requires great care and forethought so that it not be disturbed. A discussion on how we maintain it would benefit all the stakeholders in the market.

Therefore, it is essential that we are open and respectful for a principled discussion of the public services mission, and borders. In the discussion, it is important to remember that it is about a publicly funded activities which compete with private media. And, therefore, must programbolagen be vigilant so that they do not undermine the prospects for other media to operate.

concern about the public service. But in Sweden, they are three companies in a safer place to stay than many others in the media market. The parliament recently decided on a new funding model. The riksdag also decided that the allocation of avgiftsmedel shall apply for an entire licensing period. Besides, right now a parliamentary committee with the mandate to examine whether the public services of independence is sufficiently guaranteed in relation to the state.

Dagspressens fine-mesh nets across the country have for decades been and remains the largest guarantor of a broad and comprehensive public debate. The Swedish media policy is based on that there should be a balance between public service and the private media sector. The balance is fragile and requires great care and forethought so that it not be disturbed. A discussion on how we maintain it would benefit all the stakeholders in the market. Even for the public service.

Jeanette Gustafsdotter

Ceo, TU Media in Sweden.