In the coming winter months will be cloudless days in the flat land and the sun light is rare. The cloudy weather strikes many people in the mood. The vernacular refers to this seasonal depression winter Blues. This is mostly harmless, but it can also be a more serious winter depression.

In the medical sense, the winter depression, but it’s not a classic Depression, but a so-called “seasonal affective disorder”, as Annett Khatami, a specialist doctor for psychiatry, psychotherapy and neurology at the Clienia psychiatric centre Wetzikon ZH, explains.

In contrast to a typical Depression, the in addition to the depressive symptoms of little appetite and suffers from insomnia, is characterized by the seasonal affective disorder by an increased need for Sleep and increased appetite, for example a Sweet. “In General, the symptoms of this particular disorder will disappear at the latest in the spring,” said the senior physician.

Internal clock from the clock

That some feel in the Winter, listless and unmotivated, to do according to Annett Khatami with our sleep-Wake System and the circadian clock in the body. Both hang together and are influenced by the strong light. “If it is in the Winter, in the morning, still dark, it will not stop the production of the sleep hormone Melatonin: We feel tired, because the biological night is still present.” Strong light in the Morning is the most important starting signal for the internal clock, which regulates all the functions of our body. “The light is weaker, to weaken this fine-tuning, and the mood is getting worse,” says Khatami.

The little light of the day also has influence on our sleep: It reduces in the body the proportion and intensity of deep sleep. But it will be important to feel in the Morning refreshed. The consequence is that We sleep in the Winter is worse, we feel on the day according to tired and to sleep even more, to feel without us, but better. A Vicious Circle.

Also, the Hunger for Sweets is likely to work with our hormones to explain. So that the body can produce the “Happiness neurotransmitter” Serotonin, it is to rely on substances, in particular also in carbohydrates to occur.

“light therapy is the most effective therapy for winter depression.”Annett Khatami, a senior physician of the Clienia psychiatric centre Wetzikon ZH

The winter depression it is not delivered but helpless. There are measures to prevent or at least alleviate the symptoms. “Everything, what is our internal body clock and the sleep-Wake strengthens the rhythm, is helpful,” says Khatami. This is also a regulated day structure with breaks and meals, physical activity outdoors, and social contacts. Particularly effective is the morning walk was out in the daylight.

you can Also use special daylight lamps could help. “The light therapy in winter depression, the most effective therapy,” says Khatami. “But it should be professional people to decide.” All of these usually simple measures would help to support the natural rhythm of the body and thus to improve the quality of sleep.

on the trail

do Not underestimate the fight of a winter depression, the positive attitude to the cold and the darkness. “Inner Beliefs and attitudes have a large about feelings and our behavior,” says the Doctor. So you could for example appreciate the coziness and warmth of the room, if you come in the Winter from the cold outdoors to your home. And just in Switzerland, activities in the snow would run like skiing, cross-country or a walk help to experience Winter as something Positive.

it is Not always possible, however, to get the winter Blues in the handle. Then he can be a serious Depression. “If the day to day functions deteriorate, both professionally and privately, should be a psychiatrist or a depression specialist, psychologist, or visited,” says Khatami. Often a Depression will begin to be quickly irritated, and quickly attacked the feel, the mood of fluctuations, was constantly on the verge of tears, and everything will be too much. You feel pleasure and energy, and withdraw socially. “The specialist then decides whether, for example, a therapy with drugs must be prescribed.”

Impaired energy flow

Also in alternative medicine is the phenomenon of winter depression is already well-known and can be treated with appropriate methods. “As soon as it is cold and dark, my office is full with people who report depressive moods,” says Alexandra Nievergelt, certified acupuncturist and Co-President of the Swiss professional Association for Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

will Often also reported in her listlessness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Someone comes up with such complaints in your practice, first of all, the flow of energy through a detailed medical history and a tongue and pulse diagnosis, looked at. “It may be that here the number of faults present and the Person is not feeling so well,” said Nievergelt.

In Chinese medicine consider the whole person. Special attention will be placed in this context on the function of the liver. “The liver is viewed in Chinese medicine as a Manager of the body and as a blood-circulating Organ,” explains the specialist.

With acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine – mainly consisting of roots and other plant parts could be stimulated, the liver, and thus the flow of energy. Massages could help to remove blockages. “If the body can relax, also relaxes the spirit.”

Supplement to school of medicine

That’s it for the winter depression is coming, has to do in the understanding of Chinese medicine with cold and also with a lack of light. Both can cause, according to Chinese medicine, a reduction of the energy flow in the body. “From the point of view of Traditional Chinese medicine, it is therefore important to refuel in the summer, plenty of sun in the Winter but a little quieter and heat supply by hot meals and warm clothes.”

Light seasonal moods can be captured with Chinese medicine well. In severe cases, conventional therapy is usually not essential. “Especially when it comes to Depression, we have in addition to the school of medicine with good success,” says the TCM-therapist.

Created: 10.11.2019, 20:06 PM