“So is forced Venezuela to surrender”

“Kajsa Ekis Ekman in Caracas: the Sanctions are illegal and a threat to the population”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“How is a country that has just been threatened with an invasion by the world’s most powerful military power?”

“On the surface, everything looks normal out in Caracas, even if you might think the opposite. Cafés and taverns are open, in the plaza Bolívar is a salsakonsert, sellers of chewing gum and sticks make their laps in the subway. But there is a tense atmosphere in the air, as if everyone would be prepared, at any time, on something they can’t prepare for.”

In the corner of the street are crowds where someone gives a speech and calls for unity against the enemy.”

“nJag living in an abandoned warehouse that poor people occupied and are building into homes. They have a deal with the state to receive land and materials for free, but they must form an association and build the houses themselves. There is no problem: they are construction workers, electricians, cleaning ladies and they. The neighbors are happy, because the area was formerly an illegal dump for the portable toilets and the stink in the whole neighborhood.”

“I share a bed with Iraida. She wakes up every night, goes to and fro and drinking coffee with powdered milk. She worries about the war: what if it’s going bomber? I try to reassure her: bombs, they use only in Asia and the Middle east, here it will probably only tanks. She is looking klentroget at me:”

“Since a while back are the construction of the houses still. It will no longer cement. There, they can live with, worse is that there are medications. A twelve-year-old boy in the camp has Wilms tumor, a form of childhood cancer. Today it is the second time he and his mom come back from the hospital in the past case. There is no chemo.”

“nSedan two years back, Venezuela is vulnerable to blockade, which solidified gradually. All transactions to which the country is trying to do by the us or the european banking system stopped. A purchase of medications for 450 million dollars have been frozen by central securities depository Euroclear. The colombian government has banned all sales of the often malaria-medicine to Venezuela. The venezuelan state are not allowed access to their gold reserves in the Bank of England and now has Trump been tightening the screws harder.”

“this is the height of hypocrisy: to confiscate a country’s assets, prohibiting it to act and then offer alms.”

“A UN report has pointed out that the sanctions against Venezuela are contrary to international law, and means an acute risk for the country’s population. ”Sanctions can lead to hunger and lack of medicine is not the answer to the crisis in Venezuela. Such pressure from foreign powers in order to create regime change in violation of international law”, said UN special rapporteur Idriss Jazairy recently.”

“Then Trump a month ago declared itself prepared to attack Venezuela militarily, has more than five hundred articles written about the country in the Swedish press.”

“A single mention of the UN report.”

“nSå almost all of the texts in the Swedish press go instead to the Venezuelan government, is a terrible dictatorship which denies its people food, while the united states will come to their rescue. Dagens Nyheter Henrik Brandao Jönsson writes that ”people are likely to die within the next few weeks due to lack of food and medicines if the world does not react” and that ”the united states has sent humanitarian aid, but the regime in Venezuela have blocked the roads into the country with tankers and containers”. He doesn’t mention sanctions.”

“this is the height of hypocrisy: to confiscate a country’s assets, prohibiting it to act and then offer alms. And then to get with the world’s media on the myth! But you know it is time for war when everything Trump says suddenly seen as the truth.”

“Food, however, they have where I live, and queues, you can’t see it anymore since the government introduced the Caja Clap, a box with the basic essentials, which is distributed home to all the families who obtain the ID card. It contains lentils, mayonnaise, rice, pasta, tomato sauce, flour and milk. On social media joking people: ”Can any one say how to write LENSES in English to say to the gringos that they should not put it in their boxes”.”

“nKänslan that most people have in the camp, and that I also get when I talk to people on the subway or in Petare, known as Latin america’s largest slum, is this: Many poor people support Maduro and see themselves as a part of the bolivarian revolution. In no way do they want to back to life before.”

“People can talk for hours about the days when they barely count as people. They worked as servants to the rich without a formal contract or any rights. Was not paid, there was nowhere to turn. Their residential areas were not even marked on the maps of Caracas! And now there is an ultra-modern cable car to the Petare. But they are cursed of inflation that been made that they do not have the money for something, prices only go up and that the running water stopped working in Petare.”

“Almost everyone has a relative who moved to Colombia in order to get a job. Many say that the government handled the crisis management extremely poor, and that the corrupt bureaucrats, and soldiers should be put in prison, now!!! The minister of agriculture is particularly disliked – a pilot without knowledge of agriculture, like many. Some have stopped voting in protest.”

“nto understand what has happened to the Venezuelan economy, you have to understand what Venezuela is.”

“Venezuela is something called a rentierstat since it lives on a single commodity: oil. The country has the world’s largest oil reserves and oil accounts for 98 per cent of the exports. So it has been regardless of the government since the oil was discovered close to a hundred years ago. Everything else is imported.”

“The venezuelan companies have been dependent on oil, because they have a contract with the state to get usd extremely cheap, in order to stimulate imports. Venezuela has an extreme asymmetry when it comes to the relationship between industrialization and urbanization: despite the few industries live 93 per cent of the population in the cities.”

“What the bolivarian revolution initiated by Hugo Chávez in 1999 succeeded with, was to distribute the revenue from the oil. What you did not was to break the dependence on it. In 2015, oil prices fell dramatically. In just one year fell from 100 to 20 dollars per barrel. The country had acute problems with the revenue. The government of Maduro took to the pengapressen to compensate. Inflation rose and the government increased their salaries by 300 per cent, but it was eaten soon up by more than inflation.”

“Venezuela tried to get OPEC to cut production to bring up the price of oil, but saudi Arabia vetoed. Soon, the government obliged the importers large sums of money, when they could not subsidize their budget dollars further. Many companies packed up and went.”

“Lack of control had made it possible for miscreants to loot the state for years by pretending to import to get the cheap dollar, to instead sell the currency more expensive on the black market.”

“the International ”advisors” of varying competence have flockats around Venezuela and replaced precipice fifteen minutes, which meant that monetary policy changed all the time. Prevail are not those who can oljemarknad and the financial market, but they wrote biographies about politicians. ”Now, we shall turn the tide”, announced the government in 2016, and appointed Luís Salas to the minister for economic affairs. He did not think that inflation existed at all. He sat for a month in the mail.”

“Because the country holds elections and referenda, about once a year, put both the government and the opposition down all the power they have in their campaigns, which makes long-term economic measures will have to wait. At the same time, the government continues, during the height of the crisis, to pay off the foreign debt. Crisis, corruption is spreading more and the leagues are starting to take charge of the contents of food during transportation on the way to town, with the consequence that the final price can go up by several hundred percent.”

“It is now, as american companies begin to revolve like vultures over the bleeding country.”

“nUSA has long wanted to overthrow the Venezuelan government, by other reasons. Hugo Chávez took away from AMERICA its backyard. The previous model where the united states was the center of all american collaboration was scrapped and you instead created Venezuela new organizations: ALBA and the South, where the Latin american countries traded with each other for favorable contracts and left US outside.”

“in 2017, prohibited the united states all u.s. citizens to finance the Venezuelan oil company. Soon, production fell to half. After two years of sanctions, which hit extra hard because the country is dependent on imports, will now last battle. Trump openly admits that his administration is trying to attract over the venezuelan military on their side.”

“this policy is taking US a significant step forward in their maktaspirationer beyond Latin america. Now, they are not behind the scenes, long as in Chile, Paraguay and Honduras.”

“Now they open the initiative to the country.”