“So the EUROPEAN countries round of sanctions against Iran,”
“the News that the united states leave the kärnenergiavtalet JCPOA was received with gnashing of teeth in Europe last year. Washington DC tried to push their allies to adopt a similar line – but the europeans took Tehran’s party and promised to get around the u.s. sanctions.”
“Now announced that France, Germany and the Uk, which was involved and signed the agreement in 2015 – will launch a payment tool, called Instex, which will allow trade between Iran and EU companies.”
“An unnamed european diplomat tells Reuters that the most realistic is that the tool is used at the small-scale trade approved by the united states, for example, with food, or humanitarian goods.”
“– It will not mean any dramatic change, but it sends an important political message to Iran that we are determined to save JCPOA, says diplomat.”
“Kärnenergiavtalet JCPOA signed 2015 of Iran and what is called the”