The travel behavior is changing. The duration of stay at a Destination is shorter. In Social media you can find that more and more travelers to the neighborhood in the shortest possible time as many of the Hotspots with the aim to find with your “Selfies” of attention. This contributes to the “over-tourism”, the concentration of tourists in destinations that are considered to be particularly attractive. And also the climate will be charged in addition.

Sustainable tourism could improve the situation. Tourism is, according to the UN world tourism organization (UNWTO) sustainable if it takes into account the “economic, social and environmental impacts fully into account and meet the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and the Locals”.

The Swiss travel Association (SRV) has been working for one and a half decades, with the sustainability in tourism: in 2004, the first Workshop took place. In 2007, a software company introduced together with the Myclimate Foundation in the travel agencies a simple solution to compensate for the CO2 emissions. Today, many SRV-members to provide customers with the compensation active, for example, about Contributions to the CO2-compensation can be deducted from taxes.

Although the compensation in efficient climate protection projects (e.g., replacement of firewood by Solar), according to SRV “extremely valuable and reduces the effect on the Climate of the world”. But the offset alone is not enough. Each individual is able to implement further measures. Tips for conscious, and yet enjoy, travel, Roland Schmid, an expert in environmental and social Affairs at the SRV provides.

tip 1: prepare The journey well

The choice of destination, the Route, the means of transport and accommodation, as well as the duration of the trip are for the personal CO2-balance is crucial. Basically, you should first inform yourself thoroughly and only then book.

tip 2: The choice of means of transport

The choice of means of transport is important. For shorter routes, the Railways recommend that their carbon footprint is much better than those of the aircraft, or the (Remote)Bus. A climate-friendly vehicle but is not the only decisive factor. There is also the question of how many people are together, the distance over which in which means of transport on the road always. Who does not want to abandon the plane, you should choose an Airline, the newer planes use. Their fuel consumption is significantly lower. In addition, you should avoid intermediate landings and, if possible, fewer, longer trips to the principle: the more I travel, the longer I stay at the place.

tip 3: The choice of accommodation

travelers can opt for accommodations (Hotel, Pension, guest house, campsite, etc.), which are sustainably managed and with the appropriate quality seal, Label, or certificates to possess. The number of such certificates, however, have been Overwhelming: It’s the world’s around 150. Guidance in the Label-jungle can be found at a fair on-the-go, the travel portal to sustainability in travel.

The non-governmental organization Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) has also formulated criteria that should be met by Hotels and tour operators: reduced water and energy consumption, waste management, fair working conditions and no child labour. The choice of cruises is the cross helps trips-Ranking the nature conservation Union of Germany.

tip 4: natural and environmental respect

The careful handling of nature and the environment: saving water and energy, No waste to deal in the nature of leaving usable water bottles, bags Multiply, bags, etc., use of Tourist activities with animals do not use if the principles of animal and species protection are not complied with. On the protection of animals on-the-go nature and World Animal Protection

Silvia Frey, marine conservation biologist at Kyma Sea Conservation and research, an organization that promoted the protection of the seas, also points to the drastic consequences of plastic waste to marine organisms. Approximately 350 million tons of plastic are produced annually. Of these, around nine million metric tons reach the oceans. If you consider that the degradation time of a plastic bag for 20 to 30 years, around 50 years for a Styrofoam Cup, and 450 years for a plastic bottle, one can measure the extent to which the oceans with plastic are trashy.

Kyma (Greek for “wave”) therefore calls for “a change of System, which includes both production and consumption”. Each individual can make, according to Silvia Frey for his contribution: as little as Possible of waste you generate and properly reusable bags to be disposed of in the holiday take On balloons and other disposable plastic article without biodegradable plastic removal to avoid, because it is not polluted substances in nature are often biodegradable, and chemical content, Participate in beach and coastal cleanup

tip 5: human and children’s rights

people, guest and host, are the focus of each trip. However, besides positive aspects, as an economic factor and as a source of recreation and experience of tourism also has downsides, e.g. if human and children’s rights are ignored.

Five rules of thumb from the fair on the road have proven to be: the time a Fair exchange with the Locals have to take, make sure that the travel Local the Benefits of Fair prices to pay respect for The environment

Certified properties according to the GSTC Standard, also pay attention to the observance of human and children’s rights. A special attention is paid to the protection of children from sexual exploitation. More information about child protection and tourism provides Not look the other way. (Travel content)

Created: 30.09.2019, 13:38 PM