Everyone knows it, the Fears from his childhood. And, probably, remembers that it was not only real encounters like the one with the big neighbor’s dog, or the stern grandma, in front of whom he was afraid. Just as terrible could also be perceived risks, such as a scary monster under the bed or simply the fear of the dark. Because children make no distinction between the adults of recognizable real threats and those that you imagine in your with all sorts of beings populated fantasy world.

especially the young, and therefore still largely inexperienced children can do anything afraid of what is big, loud and foreign. This can be in the baby-age, unfamiliar noises, then the day-to-entry with the separation of home and, later, the first Heartbreak or a test. Even the otherwise not-so-nice mother may frighten a child, if your bursting for once, the collar and the voice is louder than usual.

It is important to learn to deal with fear, to be not helpless.

But where is the feeling, this is manifested by dilated pupils, bristled hackles, goose bumps, Trembling and frenzied pulse to penetrate deep into our bodies come from? The fear is as old as life itself. There were always threats that the first living beings had to sometimes instinctively react to save your life. The fear has enrolled in a phylogenetically ancient part of the nervous system, the the man with the mammals together. Fortunately, because fear is a life sustaining function, which keeps us from that we expose ourselves to blindly any danger.

However, the natural alarm reaction to a threat to restrict our room for manoeuvre, as the body automatically adjusts to fight or flight. It is therefore important to learn to deal with fear, to be not helpless. Part of this is that you deal with the fear, to develop confidence in their own abilities.

“The adults need to support children in uncertain moments, to comfort and encourage.”Sabine Brunner, psychologist

“children have the advantage that you have people adults with respect,” says Sabine Brunner, a psychologist and a psychotherapist at the Marie Meierhofer Institute for the child Zurich. But only if they confirm the child in his feeling, and it’s not with a well-intentioned, “Oh, there’s nothing” its a fairytale, but no less exciting world alone. “The adults need to support children in unsafe moments, rather, to comfort and encourage,” advises the psychologist.

imagination and patience are required to help children cope with their anxieties and Fears. Fantasy, you need to sometimes hidden causes of children anxiety on the track, but also in the creative choice of weapons against anxiety.

fear is a healthy reaction

Depending on the age and trigger an invented Shape should be taken to help, such as the Angstweg male or the good fairy, and at other Times consolation or distraction is needed, and sometimes it may seem humorous or even a challenge. “Always the same reaction don’t help in the long run,” says Sabine Brunner. Patience is important when it comes to a recurring anxiety of the child and to assist in their management. Because it is precisely the Fears that are triggered by unrealistic threats, can be very persistent. to have

fear, no shame, and suggests an emotional damage. It is rather a healthy reaction to a serious threat. But what if the thing that makes fear, is stronger than the child? What if it is something that I can’t immediately recognize, it does not want to communicate or can? How do you know when a child drags a deep-seated fear around?

It is also diffuse symptoms: sleep problems, stomach ache or a headache.

Each child expresses his fear to his art. he Who knows his child well, know that the little Hand, the addiction to those of an adult, says: “I’m scared! Help me!” A verzagter view, the anxious facial expression or the attempt to hide behind mom or dad, are unambiguous signals. However, there are also diffuse signs that are not so clear: if a child has persistent problems sleeping, every Morning, gets in front of the school a stomach ache or a headache, once again wetting pattern.

These behavioral changes can have many causes, in their search, the parents should always be a possible anxiety disorder remember. How is it in school, in Kindergarten? The child is happy there, well cared for? It might feel a conflict-Laden Situation in the family, although the parents seek to hide this in front of the child? Or there is a incriminating secret? For example, brawling children on the way to school? In this case, you should seek the conversation with the teacher or the teacher. Together, you can better figure out what a child needs to feel safe and comfortable.

“Unresolved fear can have consequences for the whole development.”Sabine Brunner, psychologist

it is Crucial that you let a child of his experiences to tell and also trying to with him the causes of fear track. This can be difficult if the reasons for the anxiety of the child is unclear. Talking to the different worlds circling, in which the child is in Kindergarten, lives in the family or with friends, you can buttons, however, are wary of the possible triggers.

Should corroborate the impression that something is threatening the child with which one is overwhelmed as an adult and is not able to handle, you should take the professional help of a child psychologist. “Unresolved fear can have consequences for the development as a whole”, warns Sabine Brunner, “because the child feels faint, do not trust his skills developed and the natural joy of life is lost.”

Who grows up overprotected, can’t grow.

Dangerous, the Illusion that children could grow up free of fear. Who lives so overprotected that he encountered no difficulties and dangers, not to measure and not on. Such a pink plush world helps a child to become strong, to gain self-confidence and to conquer with the children’s own curiosity in the environment.

the attitude of The parents, the to sense danger and your child to protect them is transmitted to the children. The result is not cheerful, serene, and self-employed children, but überängstliche little creatures are.

(the Swiss family)

Created: 14.02.2019, 20:28 PM