What is a competitive price?

the Answer could be that if there is no competition is, so is the best price to higher prices. In any case, if the company called Hiper and has just been purchased by the giant TDC.

There was only 76 days from this opinion:

– the Reason why we have managed to sell so many subscriptions, is that we are competitive on price.

– and we need to be at.

And to the man behind the words – director Stig Myken from Hiper – this week so turned sharply up on the price button.

Together with its co-founders, he sold 17. October, the company and, not least, customers on to TDC, but was seated as a director.

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5 tips on broadband

1 Check out both the price and the speed of your broadband at least once every six years

2 If you have the option to switch to a cheaper subscription, request to get the lower price from your current company.

3 Reject the company to provide the discount, then change immediately.

4 Remember also that your speed may be too bad for the price.

5 Use the portals as Samlino and the Consumer council Think to find the best and cheapest providers

the Consequence of the ‘competitive pricing’ is that new customers now have to pay 13 percent more to get the fastest fiber connections. Namely 339 dollars from 299 dollars.

Ordinary broadband increases even more with the whole 18 percent, from 219 to 259 dollars per month.

Already on sale 17. October called the Consumer council Think also the sale of the Hiper for the ‘a sad day’ for consumers:

– It is a really good opportunity to check whether you can actually get broadband at the right speed and at the best possible price.

– If you are one of the all-too-loyal customers of, for example, the TDC, there is good reason to investigate the market, because there are more providers and new technologies, which can make it cheaper and sometimes easier to get fast broadband, said the council from the chief economist Martin Salamon.

Hipers response to critical customers is that the ‘ existing customers will continue at the terms and prices they had in the past.’ the

‘There are no plans to raise the price of our existing customers at the moment,’ promise, the company on its Facebook page.

Check out the speed: How to make it right

There are a number of online services you can use to measure the speed with. For example tjekditnet.dk, broadband.dk or Yousee’s speedometer.

It is a good idea to make your measurement with different speedometers, and much preferably several times over a day.

If you want to measure the speed of your broadband connection properly, it requires that you connect your computer directly to your internet router with an ethernet cable. Do you measure the sole from your mobile phone or tablet, the result shows only, how fast the connection is via wi-fi.

You need to turn off the wireless connection on your computer and on the router when you are measuring with the cable.

If you can’t figure out how to turn the wireless connection on the router, it is extra important that all the devices that have wireless connection to the router, disable it while you are measuring.

do you Have any other devices than the computer connected to the router, the power cord to the these also be taken out while you are testing.

in Order to get as accurate a measurement as possible, you should close all programs such as antivirus, firewalls and services like Facebook, which you use in your computer’s browser.

Remember to turn off important programs, when you are finished with measuring.