In the center stands the chancellor, Sebastian Kurz and minister of defense Mario Kunasek. The right-wing government has made the word status and resistance against feminist språkaktivism to symbolfrågor.
both hailed and been cut. When the Deutsche Sprachwelt, German språktidning, in the week, appointed in 2018, the year the main effort of the German has won the Austrian government. Had already kvinnonätverket Frauennetzwerk Medien assigned to Mario Kunasek award Pink Handtaschl, a pink handbag which goes to a person who is considered to promote sexism. Both appointments were a result of that he in an interview in the Kronen Zeitung claimed that feministers the quest for inclusive language ”is destroying our modersmåls developed structure to oläslighet and incomprehensibility”.
It was Mario Kunasek turned to was the so-called Binnen-I, a capital I that is used to enhance the visibility of women. In German is the Student is a masculine noun in the plural. By inserting the feminine suffix -in signals the writer that it is both male and female students. And for that it will appear written In:et in uppercase: StudentInnen.
This is German and the Swedish have gone different paths. Where the language has gender-neutral forms as the norm has, the German’s often highlighted both the masculine and feminine forms.
gender-neutral names on the practitioners of the professions. Often it is the masculine forms, as a teacher and actor, who has come to be used as gender-neutral. Språkvården advise from the feminine forms as a teacher and actress.
The last major Swedish, not old norse, it was the gender-neutral pronoun hen. The resistance towards the hen is strongest among voters who vote for conservative and nationalist parties.
A Swedish politician who wants to go in the Mario Kunaseks footsteps could for example try to create a debate about the official and tjänsteperson. Språkvården recommend the gender-neutral tjänsteperson – but the language is official, is still clearly more common. the