“Stacked cliches from Amazon’s stock,”

“Göran Sommardal see the Beautiful boy – far from being a strong film.”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“”Beautiful boy” (premiere jan 11) is a so-called strong movie, important subject, likely to be many engaged spectators. But even if just this based-on-a-true-story take root unnoticed in the affluent middle class, so is the most of the drug addicts despite all the second gang, the dangerous and the unpleasant. The homeless, the destitute, lawless, tygellösa. Without each and every residence in the Beautiful boy.”

“”Strong movies” is, in my eyes, only exceptionally strong films. And the Beautiful boy is no exception. It is a weak film.”

“this rider extensively on the five right worn out hobby horses.”

“n1. How could it be so here, despite the fact that we loved each other so much: ”Everything … everything!””

“2. The father shouts, either to the beautiful boy or the nice fixed absent mother, despite the fact that we in the audience know (and feel!) he is just so upset over the horrible things that happened and that he is from their (fine) minds. And we forgive him.”

“3. When it is time to be really upset: the father hyperventilerar, the mother hyperventilerar, beautiful child hyperventilerar, and with styvmorsan hyperventilerar. Basic course for physicians.”

“4. Wonderful younger siblings yearn kindest storehalvbror, come back and remind them how wonderful he is by jumping and throw them in the rays from the sprinkler.”

“5. Not least: a gulleplutts very oemotståndligaste nuna.”

“the night director and producer to 100 per cent have surrendered themselves to the authors’ intentions (father and son, David and Nic Sheff) means that each thread in to the difficult, the exciting, gestaltningsvärda in this drama is truncated.”

“It’s where the hole is, for example, that creates the urge – where will it come from? Nothing of the experience is narrated, reproduced. And the most important in the portrayal of any form of abuse should be why?”

“Just the usual american medelklassdängan: You are so talented, can write, come in on six college, how you can like to shoot crystal meth? Go back to your original ingenious medelklassintellekt!”

“The more I look the more I hear clichés blade. And they sound fine. Everything is well done, känslotablå follows känslotablå in the old word order.”

“nJag waited for me almost – and it is, of course, Amazon studios that produced the film and who sells Sheffarnas books – that the credits would end with: Everything you have seen here in the movie – clothes, interior accessories, garden furniture and more, plus books about similar fates – available to order at amazon.com.”

“it Is framtidsplatsen for the strong movies?”

“Am I too cynical? Maybe because no one else is there.”