the working environment authority provides strakspåbud to a lungeafdeling, where more than 60 percent of the department’s employees was infected with the coronavirus.

The typing of DR who has got access to a number of documents in the case.

There is talk about of pulmonary medicine section L13 at Bispebjerg Hospital, where 16 out of 26 employees were sick with Covid-19.

One of the infected employee, a 36-year-old social – and sundhedsassistent, ended up in the middle of april to lose his life, after he had worked on the section in just ten weeks.

According to the Inspectors it can be a dangerous combination for eligible patients, the narrow hospital corridors all and the lack of ‘effective measures’ that led to the widespread contamination.

Lungeafdelingen is the section that had the most and the most ill coronapatienter hospitalized – in addition to the hospital’s intensive care unit.

– It is the Activities of the assessment, that the work on of pulmonary medicine section at Bispebjerg Hospital is not planned and organized so that it can be carried out without risks to health, because there is no effective measures are taken to protect employees against the risk of infection with the new coronavirus, type supervision in the injunction, according to DR.

Although the management has taken several initiatives in order to limit the infection, it is far from enough, assess the working environment authority.

According to the injunction is the space so cramped on the section, to the employees roam each other when they go past each other.

After the 36-year-old employee and five other employees were infected in the beginning of april, cut the management number of patients from 20 to 18, like there was taken a number of other precautions.

the Hospital insists, however, despite the injunction, that there was ’taken the necessary measures’, when the Inspectors came to visit in may. It writes hospitalsdirektøren in an email to DR.