“Sudan opens border with Eritrea,”

“Sudan opens border to neighbouring Eritrea, which has been closed since January 6 of last year.”

“– We open the border with Eritrea because they are our brothers and our people. Politics should not divide us, says Sudan’s president Omar al-Bashir in a speech broadcast on tv, the face of supporters in the city of Kassala, close to the border.”

“the Reason why the border was closed last year, Sudan accused Eritrea of supporting the rebel movements and opposition groups in the border area. A few months later came to Eritrea with similar accusations against the Sudan, Ethiopia and Qatar. Subsequently, a reconciliation occurred, mainly between the former arch-enemies Ethiopia and Eritrea but also from Sudan and Eritrea. In the fall, met al-Bashir, Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki and agreed to try to normalize relations, the newspaper Sudan Tribune.”