“Sick Viktor expelled from Sweden: ”He is like a three-year boy””

“He is demented, the paralyzed, hjärtsjuk – unable to take care of itself.”

“After a perennial struggle may Viktor Kravchenko, 66, a few days to leave vårdboendet while waiting to be deported from Sweden to the Ukraine.”

“– They send him straight to death, ” says his niece Julia.”

“It has been over two years since the red-green government took strong action to sharply reduce the flow of refugees to Sweden and expel asylum seekers whose applications have been refused. “

“One of them who are forced to leave the country is a 66-year-old Viktor Kravchenko, 66, from the Ukraine, where none of his relatives live still. At the end of november gave the Swedish migration board him five days to leave the vårdboendet where he lived for over a year, since he no longer has the right to compensation. “

“After having suffered several strokes five years ago, Viktor speech difficulties and can not make themselves understood. He is paralyzed, demented and tagged by myocardial infarction, cardiovascular disease and COPD. Since his left leg was amputated in the beginning of last year, he is in a wheelchair.”

“viktor’s sister Valentina Isaksson, 67, is two years ago back good man for his brother, because he is unable to take care of itself.”

” His behavior can be compared with a three-year-old. He can’t talk or make himself understood, nor do they take in the information. He does not understand what is happening now, ” she says.”

“It was 2013 that Viktor Kravchenkos health deteriorated greatly, he lost his work and residence in Ukraine. He came to Sweden in June 2014 and applied for a residence permit because he has become dependent on the help from his surroundings in order to cope with everyday life. He applied for asylum after Russia invaded the Ukrainian Crimea peninsula, just south of his home town of Melitopol in the south east of Ukraine. “

“After several refusals is his relatives, who lived in Sweden for twenty years, critical to how the Swedish migration board and the migration court has decided in viktor’s case. “

“In the Migration board’s own documentation stated that it provided inaccurate information to the family about the responsibility of the authority to Viktor to get care and help with accommodation in the home country. “

“– First they told us that Viktor, considering that he is unable to take care of herself, can be treated as an unaccompanied child and that they would arrange a reception. Something that they have taken back and says to Viktor, who is at the same level as a three-year boy, shall be responsible for leaving the country and support themselves in Ukraine, ” says his niece Julia. “

“the Swedish migration board regret that they have given the family false hope. “

“– It is of course unfortunate that it has become that way, ” says Annette Bäcklund, head of department at the management processes at the Swedish migration board.”

“Even the lawyer Jens Sjölund, Viktor Kravchenkos agent for several years, is highly critical of the decisions.”

” the– By ending the care in spite of the disease state puts the Swedish migration board Viktor on the street. This is beneath all criticism. Furthermore, there is clear inconsistency in the Migration behaviour, as the piece notes that Ukraine is to receive and nurture him at the same time as the work was previously written to the Ukraine, through its actions, demonstrated that they are not going to make it.”

“During the family’s lengthy struggle has several doctors and sjukpersonal testified to the authority of Viktor not being able to clear himself, he must have round the clock surveillance and are at great risk of getting a heart attack. “

“Doctors will advise against even Viktor from flying, if he does not have access to health care throughout the journey. “

” We are not against Viktor returns to Ukraine, but there must be someone who accepts him and helps him. Otherwise, he will die on the street, there are no relatives or friends who can take care of him, ” says his niece Julia, 45. “

“There is a possibility for the migration board to assess new circumstances, even after the court tried the case, so that a life-threatening disease. As in the high-profile case in 2011, when the Swedish migration board stopped the expulsion of Ganna Chyzhevska, 91 – visually impaired, hjärtsjuk and demented.”

“But after the aliens act was tightened in June 2016, the mean Migration Annette Bäcklund to the chance to get a residence permit because of health reasons, in principle, is non-existent. “

“– It depends on how viktor’s health to be developed. He can come to such a situation that he finds himself in the end of life, then you can get a temporary residence permit. However, the framework is designed to primarily give people who flee the protection, ” she says. “

“viktor’s relatives have been previously trying to find a suitable vårdboende in Ukraine by contacting one of the churches, the Red cross society of Ukraine and the ambassador of the Ukraine embassy in Sweden. Without the results. “

“Utvisningsbeslutet entered into force already in april 2017, but has not been enforced because the migration board has not made contact with the Ukrainian migrationsmyndigheten in order to ensure a host. “

“the Future of Mr is uncertain. In the meantime, the family appeal the decision on the compensation for accommodation and food have Viktor nowhere to live. Rejected their appeal, the family can seek emergency aid from the municipality. “

“They are also considering turning to the european Court of human rights. “

“– We live in uncertainty every day, and do not know who has responsibility for Viktor now. He has been in a limbo. All we desire is that he will have a dignified old age, no matter if he is in Sweden or the Ukraine. We understand if he can’t stay in Sweden but everyone has the right to die, in a nice way, ” says Viktor Kravchenkos niece Julia. “

“The red-green government…”

“… announced in the beginning of 2016 by the then minister for home affairs Anders Ygeman that up to 80 000 asylum seekers would be deported in the future, after the rejection of their applications. “

“…. tightened the rules so that asylum seekers who receive no lose the right to accommodation and allowances, and gave the Swedish migration board in the mission to rapidly develop more förvarsplatser where asylum seekers can be locked up.”

“the asylum Seekers have been able, in exceptional cases, receive a residence permit, despite the fact that they do not need protection from persecution. It requires specific circumstances, which means that a decision refusing a residence permit would be contrary to Sweden’s international commitments. For example, it can be about people with an extremely serious health condition, or persons who have been the victims of trafficking in human beings. With the temporary law, which entered into force on 20 July 2016 not applied to ”particularly distressing circumstances”, something criticised by, among others, KD’s party leader Ebba Busch Thor.”

“Source: the Swedish migration board”