the Weekend is coming to an end, and it means that we can wave goodbye to the rain, skyfall and the autumnal weather.

tomorrow, there may be some showers in the north-eastern part of the country with a vindfront from the west. But Monday’s practice-feel will be quickly offset by the stable high pressure with the summer heat, as most people can enjoy.

the DMI is not in the least karrige to use the term ‘heatwave’ as the description of the week’s weather.

– the heat of the summer hits in the whole country, where Thursday and Friday are the week immediately hottest. From Tuesday, temperatures sneak up around 22-25 degrees. But the peaker, as I said, Thursday and Friday, with the highest temperatures, tells Thor Hartz, duty officer at DMI.

Generally, it is sunny in the whole Kingdom, but the heat of the summer comes most to expression in Mid – and north Jutland, which locally can be up to 30 degrees Thursday and Friday.

– We also get some mild nights, and it can not be completely excluded, that we the night of Friday, perhaps the first tropenat, says Thor Hartz and reminds Ekstra Bladet that the temperature should be 20 degrees during the night.

Varmetilstanden are not renewable, but there is no reason to believe that the upcoming weekend is going to remind you of this here.

– It continues into the weekend, we can look at the forecasts, although it will not be as hot as in the course of the week, says the officer.