“Svanpappa was shot dead by the municipality – guarded seven eggs”
“A svanhane who has been aggressive when he defended his and the couple’s eggs is managed by skyddsjägare during Sunday night. The decision has provoked many reactions among the People. “
“– we felt We have no choice, ” says Ola Enqvist, conservationists in the city of Malmö, Sydsvenskan. “
“In Malmö has a knölsvanpar bred in a reed in a channel for several years. Svanparet, not least the male should have behaved aggressively towards the canoes, in order to defend his family, writes Sydsvenskan. “
“During the Sunday evening was shot svanpappan death of Malmö municipality skyddsjägare – and now people are upset voices. “
“– They are a part of the environment. The male protects his female when canoeists paddle past, but it does nothing, ” says one person who followed svanfamiljen long, to Sydsvenskan. “
“the Municipality: Had no choice”
“Conservationists Ola Enqvist says that he thinks that what has happened is sad, but stated that the municipality had not någit choice. “
” I understand that people react. But if they had been sitting in canoes or boats when svanhanen attack so they had understood. The swan began to become a risk for the life and health of the child. Then we need to do something, he says to Sydsvenskan. “
“According to him, the swan frightened children and overturned canoes. He says, moreover, that one of his colleagues was bitten by the swan. “
“– and I understand that evokes reactions. We felt we have no choice, ” he says to the newspaper. “
“According to residents of the area have svanfamiljen come to lay eggs at the canal each year. To Sydsvenskan tells several that the female is now on eight eggs alone, without protection from his partner. “