“Sweden must sign against nuclear weapons,”

“Socialists: the Government can not fail the broad public opinion,”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Olof Palme International Center, the Swedish social democratic youth league, the Socialist students ‘ union, the Swedish social democratic women’s association, social democrats for faith and solidarity, and LGBT-Socialists of Sweden wants Sweden to sign the UN ban on nuclear weapons. “

“We are very critical to the investigation, which recommends that Sweden refrains. It would mean a trend reversal and a betrayal of the Swedish peace and avrustningstradition. “

“Therefore we write a joint reply to the government, where we affirm that this investigation should not be seen as pathbreaking in whether the uk should sign and ratify the convention on the prohibition of nuclear weapons.”

“Sweden voted together with 122 other states in the united nations for a convention on the prohibition of nuclear weapons in the summer of 2017. A very Swedish decision, in terms of our tradition and history. “

“the Government appointed in the last legislature a commission of inquiry to analyse the possible consequences of a Swedish signature, before the final decision on connecting Sweden to the UN agreement. Enmansutredaren Lars-Erik Lundin presented its final report to government in January of this year.”

“We believe that the investigation on a number of points presents inadequate analyses and poorly substantiated arguments. We also believe that the investigation is unbalanced weighs the negative along with the positive possible consequences of a Swedish access, where positive examples are given a disproportionately small amount of space. “

“the Investigation departs from many of the directives it is given, and the lack of a satisfactory analysis of the international legal and humanitarian perspective. As the harmful effects of nuclear weapons on people and the environment.”

“the Investigation focuses on the notion of how the Swedish defence and security policy cooperation would come to take damage at a signing. A central failure point in this analysis is, however, that an access would be contrary to a future Swedish membership in Nato. “

“Sweden has no plans to become a nuclear power, neither will Sweden be included membership in Nato, why such an impact is insignificant.”

“Sweden has today collaboration with most of the countries within Nato. Not least in the Swedish neighborhood, such as the exercises together with Norway, and also Finland, where the strategic interest of cooperation goes in both directions. It is with all the clarity of interaction that do not involve nor in the future should include nuclear weapons.”

“the Inquiry makes no analysis of the countries that have so far signed, and the lack of consequences this entailed for them. Countries with which Sweden just as the majority of Nato countries had good relations and cooperation with. Some of these are Austria, south Africa, New Zealand, Thailand and the Philippines. “

“Sweden has in general a long tradition of that within the UN and in other international context to promote peace, freedom and a world free from nuclear weapons. The same can be said about the Swedish labor movement in particular. “

“the Swedish social democrats like Alva Myrdal, Inga Thorson, Maj-Britt Theorin, Olof Palme, Ingvar Carlsson, Anna Lindh and our current minister for foreign affairs, Margot Wallström, has with the courage and political conviction brought peace and nedrustningsfrågan.”

“not To sign the convention would mean to break with this Swedish line and tradition. It would be viewed with amazement by the rest of the world. “

“It would also be a betrayal of the broad public opinion is for a Swedish signature. The palm center has the years 2017 and 2018 conducted surveys together with Sifo, shows that almost 9 out of 10 swedes are in favour of Sweden writes in kärnvapenförbudet. Among all parties there is a majority for a kärnvapenförbud.”

“So it is high time that Sweden is taking its responsibility, and we therefore think that the government should not consider the future for this question, based on this flawed investigation. But that the government should, however, honor the long Swedish tradition of clear international position on issues and disarmament, peace and freedom.”

“nAnna Sundström, Olof Palme International CenternPhilip Botström, the Swedish social democratic UngdomsförbundnNasra Ali, the Socialist studentförbundetnCarina Ohlsson, the Swedish social democratic kvinnoförbundnUlf Bjereld, social democrats for faith and solidaritetnSören Juvas, LGBT social democrats in Sweden”

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