Swedish values shall apply in the court

SD: Unreasonable that the man who planned to marry 13-year-old frias

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. Last week came the Decision of the court against the parents who stood accused of äktenskapstvång, after signing the agreement to marry off their 13-year-old daughter with a 10 year older man.

Despite the fact that a äktenskapskontrakt been prepared, in which the rights and obligations of the spouses are specified carefully, and then signed by both the girl’s father and the prospective husband, so neither the district Court nor the Court of appeal that it is possible to prove that the marriage was concluded. The marriage is not considered consummated because any sexual intercourse not had time to take place.

the Girl is therefore at a disadvantage in the court because she managed to escape before she was raped. This is a direct adaptation to completely different values than Swedish, when the right insists on making love as essential for the validity.

The only reasonable interpretation is that if there is a äktenskapskontrakt, as in this case, so it should be more than enough to prove to both the girl’s father and the prospective groom are guilty of äktenskapstvång.

do not, however, the Court of appeal, but instead refers to the according to the law should be based on what that apply within the group concerned, in this case muslims from Syria. Thus, it is not our assessment here in Sweden which is the basis for whether a crime has been committed, but the group itself, which assess whether the girl shall be deemed to be married or not, which they apparently think that the girl is only after a sexual intercourse is completed.

It is, of course, completely unreasonable that our legislation should be guided by what applies in other cultures.

If one of Sweden writes a äktenskapskontrakt the force of a 13-year-old girl with intent to marry her off against her will, it must always be taken into account as a serious crime regardless of the ethnic or religious group you happen to belong to.

What are the rules that apply in the country of origin is completely irrelevant when the offence is committed in Sweden and it has an obligation to adapt to our society and if one chooses to live here. We we put great emphasis on women’s and children’s rights to decide over their own lives. The law should be equal for all in Sweden and a brottsutsatt children should have the same right to redress regardless of their origin or parents ‘ background.

the Man, who wanted to marry the child, to be cleared completely, then he claimed not to have known that the girl did not want to marry him, even though she was 10 years younger and a child. Courts of appeal judges, surely the parents for preparation for äktenskapstvång.

the Right says that it is missing the case-law of sanctions in relation but that the crime is clearly serious. In spite of that put it far below the maximum penalty of four years and judges to six-month suspended sentence. In cases like this when there are clear hints of the culture of honor, threats and coercion, should, of course, the punishment to be much harsher.

the Girl, who fled from his parents and now living under a protected identity in the secret place, has probably got his life ruined forever and it generates not even jail for the guilty. How is it possible in a country like Sweden? Instead, we should put our foot down and mark clearly that this is not allowed.

It is the criminals who should be punished and not the victims. Our hope is that the case now goes to trial in the Supreme court to once and for all clarify that äktenskapstvång, as well as other honour-related crimes, should be regarded as serious and is not accepted in our country. In Sweden, Swedish law will apply and be the same for everyone, regardless of their origin.

\nAngelica Lundberg, member of parliament (SD)\nMikael Eskilandersson, member of parliament and spokesperson of the family law (SD)

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