The 14. June 2017 was one of the worst days in the history of London. A banal smoldering in a refrigerator, turning at the time, the Grenfell Tower in the rich district of Kensington in a blazing Inferno. The flammable facade burned down the building in the shortest possible time. The fire Department rescued many, but for 72 people, help came too late. They died in the largest fire in the UK for a hundred years.

More than two years later, has now established a Commission of inquiry report. He is to be presented to the Public on Wednesday, but was distributed to the Survivors and relatives already on Monday. He accuses the London fire brigade of serious lapses and “systemic failure”, to quote British media on Tuesday from the Report.

The retired appeal court judge Martin Moore-Bick, led the investigation. In the report, he will find according to the British newspaper The Guardian clear words: The London fire brigade was not prepared for a fire like the one in Grenfell Tower is easy enough. There was no evacuation plan for the Grenfell Tower. The “preparation and planning for such a fire” was, in addition, the command failed Central.

fatal error

Today, we know, the building could burn so fast, because the facade made of an aluminum-polyethylene Mix was made. The forces on site had not been about the risks, such a flammable outer wall informed. Moore-Bick sees this as an “institutional failure” of the fire Department.

Video: Commission to Grenfell Tower-Brand examine Three months after the fire disaster has begun a Commission of investigation into the incident in London. (Video: Reuters/September 2017)

He blames the rescue workers in addition to residents instructed to stay in their homes, as the fire was out of control. A fatal error, without it probably would have not nearly as many victims.

Big criticism of the Boss

of The reviewers criticized in the 1000 pages thick Report also Dany Cotton. The 50-Year-old was at the time of the fire, the Head of the London fire brigade. You have claimed, with “remarkable insensitivity”, you would be nothing, what have made your fire-troops in the night, change, – quotes the Telegraph the head of the European Commission. The London fire brigade does not show up prone to learn the “lesson of the fire at Grenfell Tower”. So the fire brigade have had to be evacuated trained their commanders and emergency responders about how to recognize when a building. Also, you know too little about easily inflammable building materials.

The sad conclusion of the report: It would have saved a lot of lives, if the rescue had been aware of forces rather that the fire was out of control and they had brought the residents to safety in time.

Plenty of late, but the right conclusions

survivors and Survivors who had feared a deliberate procrastination of the investigation results, said the report come very late, would but to draw important conclusions, reported the Guardian. In the coming year should be tested in a second examination phase, the construction material of the building and the fire protection regulations in more detail.

the report, which was 26 months in work, were interviewed according to the “Guardian” hundreds of witnesses, including 88 firefighters. Whether there will be criminal charges and a court process, is still uncertain. However, the results of the paper are also essential, because there is in England more than 400 other high-rise buildings, which are constructed from a similar Material as the Grenfell Tower.

Created: 29.10.2019, 18:42 PM