officially Opened the new mexican Government, Paco Ignacio Taibo was presented this Monday at the offices of the Economic Culture Fund (FCE) to take the reins of the largest editorial public in Spanish. Taibo takes off de facto mandate, although his appointment as director is still in the air because of some controversial statements of last week. “I come by instructions of the President of the Republic to take the transition in terms of editorial manager in charge of the office of the director of the fund”, said to the press before entering his new office.


“We found corruption in the Background. We’re going to clean the house with a machete” Taibo is in charge of the Fund of Culture between a strong polemic

Under the umbrella of that ponderous charge will operate Taibo (Gijon, 1949) waiting for the nod’s final parliament, which has yet to modify an act of the sixties that prohibits the mexican non birth to occupy management positions in public companies. Everything was ready on Thursday for the legislative process –the Government party, Brunette, holds a majority in both chambers– to overcome the last stage in the Senate. But came the controversial statements of Taibo at one of the tables of the International Book Fair of Guadalajara: “it got bent, co”.

The out-of-tune –which was rectified the next day by Taibo with a message of apology in the form of a tweet– keeps time paralyzed the great end of their appointment, in addition to having served as kindling for critics who accuse him of fostering an excessive polarization. In the absence of the law change, your task as a director-informal and is supported “by the President himself within the internal process of transition in the management of the Fund”, indicate sources of the team Betlike of Taibo.

The writer, best selling author mexican as the historical novel Homeland, the promoter of the Semana Negra of Gijón and activist editorial the front of a dissemination project of reading, is in charge of one of the more profound transformations in the more than 80 years in the life of the institution. As has already been ahead of the own Taibo during the last few weeks, the new project is to merge the Fund –with a catalog of over 10,000 titles, 28 libraries in Mexico and presence in USA, Spain and eight Latin american countries– with the network of public libraries Educal, the Directorate General of posts of the ministry of Culture and the national program of reading.

The new and mastodóntico Fund project, you will need to navigate in a context of strong budget cut. The Executive López Obrador has hoisted the flag of austerity as one of their maxims of Government, to which we must add the successive reductions of the games cultural of the outgoing Government. A situation that has left them very impaired independent publishing mexican, overly dependent on the public money, and has placed to the public network of libraries Educal at the edge almost of the bankruptcy, with a debt to suppliers of 33.7 million of mexican pesos that threatens to close nearly half of the 82 establishments that account for the country. Taibo announced last week in an interview with THE COUNTRY the heart of its roadmap: “we don’t close libraries, destroy books, not to dismiss workers”.