It’s been a while since we heard anything last from Grunde Myhrer (22), Oslo-the man who in both “Paradise Hotel” and “Shall we dance” wowed the Norwegian people with both humor and rhythmic skills.

in The spring, he is to see in TV3-success “Camp Kulinaris” together with a number of other familiar faces, but before the time he has taken the time to talk about one of their biggest heart matters.

SOLLI: Paradise-Grunde was not alone to add 17.the may celebration is synonymous to say to Solli plass in Oslo. Grunde tells about the secret tattoveringsplaner, Magic Mike-stripping in the new episodes of the Paradise, and the plans for the 17 may celebration is synonymous with the rest of the day. Reporter/photo/editing: Anna Näumann Show more

the 22-year-old is namely avholds, and has been there his entire life. You might not believe it if you saw him at a party. Realitydeltakeren is no stranger to dance on the table, or to be as high up on the stemningsbarometeret – if not higher – as any other. He even has no problem with others around him consume alcohol, but one thing that burns him, especially for:

That the children shall have a christmas celebration without alcohol.

Was ridiculed for singing – The dread

Figures from the ministry of Health in 2014 showed that up to 150,000 children around the quite country living with parents who drink too much alcohol during the christmas season. Many of them dread to høytida, because some adults do not know their limitations when it comes to juleølet and akevitten.

Myhrer will not allow it to be so. In a feature on, he writes openly about what you think should be done:

“They dread him because it is the høytida in the year in which it consumed the most alcohol. They dread to see mom and dad, or perhaps grandma, under the influence of alcohol. They dread to see that those who are those closest to the change to someone they do not recognize. They are afraid, and are left with memories, of something that perhaps should have been the best time of the year, which is not filled with laughter and joy, but rather with sorrow and fear”, he writes openly.

TOY: Grunde Myhrer, known from the “Shall we dance” and “Paradise Hotel”, has found a way to combine the two realityseriene on. It happens, with the song “Starboy”. Video: TV 3, Chummy / Ruben Pedersen, Most Media Show more

He stresses in the text that he did not believe that all the alcohol necessarily to be cut out, but believe that one should think extra about how much one actually drinks. Realitydeltakeren, which, incidentally, jobs with a lecture he has chosen to call “Young and sober” these days, ” concludes the piece with the following conclusion:

“the Statistics don’t lie and children are not lying. They are well maybe they ærligste people we have. And anyway I feel it is their place that someone stands up for them and say that enough is enough. For some children want a slightly different “white” christmas.”

DANCE: Grunde Myhrer made a good Trendbet figure in the “Shall we dance” 2017, together with partner Ewa Trela. Photo: Tor Lindseth / See and Hear the Show more that is Why he is avholds

to talk about the aptly the text, as many have grown to acclaim in the social media already, he was also on the place when the “Good morning Norway” went on the air Friday morning. Together with the TV-profile Christer Falck, which also is avholds, he talked about why he has made the choice to stay away from alcohol.

– It was primarily because of the sports that I chose away the alcohol, in order to have a comparative advantage. I have also focused on health. Alcohol is so harmful that I have chosen to opt out. I think that I am doing just fine without, I’m not quite A4 and manages to dance on the table without, grinning he in frokostprogrammet.

RATES: Grunde Myhrer has for many years powered with swimming. The sport has been a contributing reason why he has stayed away from alcohol. Photo: Chinese Falch Show more

Nevertheless, he is clear that drikkepress still exists out there, something he in adolescence also have known the even. He believes, nevertheless, it is possible to be with on the town even if you don’t drink, especially since the one in Norway has a culture for the afterparty and city tours.

For me it’s totally natural. When the clock starts to be two, marks a difference between people, but it should not be something strange with the to take out. It is that in his studies; if you do not drink in fadderuka, you miss the social relations that are being built then, and it is sad, he stresses.

Therefore, to talk to we psychologist after “Paradise Hotel” Youtube-project

It is perhaps not so strange that it’s been a while since we last saw Myhrer on the screen. He has in fact spent a lot of time in the last year on his Youtube channel, where he occasionally puts out videos which gives an insight into his life.

Home after the intense morderjakt at the hotel : – Totally freaking

Channel is followed now by 4800 people, and the 22-year-old has big plans to get that number to grow in the future. In the beginning, it did however slow going for realityprofilen. He has previously told Dagbladet that the response was not entirely as expected.

– I have not got the best response until now, but I hope that people have the desire to follow more with on.

the 22-year-old parts mostly far and wide, from all aspects of their life in social media. He has however, chosen to shut down the floodgates completely when it comes to one particular theme, namely the love life.

MOOD: Shall we dance-participant Grunde Myhrer boasts of competitor Trude Drevlands hips on the dance floor. Video: Julie Solberg. Show more

Under the participation his in “Shall we dance”, rumours were rife that he had a girlfriend, and realityprofilen so in the end, will have to confirm that he was no longer single. In the semi-final, he followed up, and showed for the first time until the lucky girl, who called To Bjørnsen.

Since then, the 22-year-old opted to go back to the old habits again, and again holds the cards close to her chest. In a previous interview with Dagbladet he has spoken out about the background that he and his girlfriend keep the relationship as private.

I think that she should get to have their privacy. And when the time is right, so get the time also come when.

“Paradise Hotel”-the participant has never drunk alcohol