“I am no longer a director, but a writer.” The tarantinophiles are defendants. After the tenth and last feature film that he still has to realize, Quentin Tarantino will unleash the camera to take the pen. Become critical ? A desire he expresses for several months, and which he remade today in the pages of First.

read also : Quentin Tarantino: “The current society déresponsabilise totally people”

“I don’t think the future of my career as a director,” says the filmmaker for 57 years. I project myself a lot, on the other hand, in my career as a writer. I want to write plays, novels, books on the cinema. And now that I’m not a filmmaker per se, I feel more free to evaluate the work of others.”

moreover, the director of Pulp Fiction did not wait to look at the work of his peers. For some time, he writes reviews of the films of the 60s and 70s on the site of the New Beverly cinema in Los Angeles. And according to him, his new colleagues are not really up to the task…

“I grew up reading reviews written by professionals,” explains the filmmaker, citing Pauline Kael and Andrew Sarris as references. At a time when, to write about the movies, he had to learn how to construct a sentence, think of the film, to be hired by a writing. Today, there is a democratization where these prerequisites are no longer considered essential, and which produces a package of crap.”

“A revelation must have taken place”

According to Tarantino, this lack of rigor would read in articles, videos and podcasts that are of poor quality-on which all analysis would otherwise be absent, at least very low. “Now most of the people who write on the Internet or record podcasts sound just like the fanboys,” he continues. There are not enough really invested in the theory, analysis, and writing. The good side to this is that it puts even more value to those who know how to write.”

Among the few feathers which are through his eyes today, Manohla Dargis, reporter for the New York Times that he admired the way of describing a scene from his last film, Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood. “When Cliff Booth [Brad Pitt] enters the home of George Spahn [Bruce Dern], he sees a rat trapped in agony in a corner,” he says. The rat is in the process of whining. Manohla Dargis points out that it is as if the rat was screaming the name of the character Dakota Fanning, Squeaky. I found it very clever. This is a funny thing to write in a review”.

read also : Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood: Tarantino”s Baby

by The way, how does he do it, to him, to write a good review? “First, I must have something interesting to say,” explains the director of Pulp Fiction. An argument to develop, an observation, a thing to tell about an actor, a theme or a filmmaker. Then, in the course of writing, I have to discover something more profound about the film or my feelings about it. I can very well start by writing a negative review and change in the middle of the road ! A sort of revelation must take place. Finally, it takes a good fall, and conclude in a satisfactory manner.”

speaking of a fall. How does he finish his career as a director ? “It remains to me a film to do,” he concludes. I don’t know yet what it will look like, but I’m a writer now”.

The editorial team conseilleQuentin Tarantino is considering a conversion littéraireTarantino filmmaker “out of place, lonely and melancholy in the age of super-heroes”of His childhood in Hollywood, her relationship with the stars… Quentin Tarantino entrusts himself to the Figaro SujetsQuentin TarantinoFestival of CannescinémaCinéphilie12 commentairesPAPINO106le 02/06/2020 at 11:42 am

He has only to read Positive.

PAPINO106le 02/06/2020 at 11:42 am

Ah, there it is, it has turned into an old fart? Ca always ends up getting.

Walsdorffle 02/06/2020 at 09:32

Who still reads the film critics?

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