“Soon half-way in invandringshöken Donald Trumps first term of the stay of unaccompanied children in tents in the Texas desert. And soldiers guard the border like many more are trying to take over.”
“the Charity Raices describes the situation as a mockery created by the White house.”
“Tornillo is a tältstad in the Texas desert, the rest of the unaccompanied children. It was established in June, and the idea was that it would only be there a month and host some hundred. Six months later live there over 2 000 children and a growing Tornillo predicted to eventually accommodate over 4 000.”
“– There are no signs that it will ever be closed, ” says lawyer Jonathan Ryan, who leads the charity Raices.”
“Ryan is working with legal to assist the families and the young migrants taken across the border to the united states, including Tornillo. He was recently in Sweden to receive the Child 10 award, a prize established by Sophie stenbeck’s familjestiftelse.”
” The camps should not exist at all. Of course, their right to stay in the country is tested. But the way they live on in the camps are not appropriate for children, ” he says.”
“most of The migrants he meets have fled the violence in their central american home countries to seek asylum in the united states. In the process, they have ended up in various forms of detention. In november, the united states kept over 14,000 unaccompanied children, writes the San Francisco Chronicle, referring to statistics from the ministry of health.”
“– It should be a matter of course for all adults to treat children with dignity, compassion and consideration. Instead, portrayed vulnerable children who are seeking help as a threat, ” says Ryan.”
“the issue of Immigration has created a polarizing jättedebatt in the united states, in particular the White house’s zero-tolerance was introduced in may and which led to the summer’s high-profile familjeseparationer. Trumps supporters to give him the right, the stresses that all immigration must be done legally, and would like to see stepped-up border security. Critics underline that it is a human right to seek asylum, and stresses that the US needs and is built on immigration.”
“It makes even Ryan, who describes himself as an immigrant. Born in Canada, he came to the united states before he turned one. His parents moved from Ireland in 1974.”
” the republic of Ireland found itself in the depression. My parents were looking across the Atlantic for a better life. We have a fictitious image of our own history, and the origin we have. The truth is that the migrants more or less come to the united states in the same way in all times – regardless of whether they come from Ireland or Guatemala.”
“just Over 100 miles west of Tornillo is the mexican border town of Tijuana. There are currently thousands of people from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador as part of the so-called migrantkaravan who migrated to the united states in the autumn. The president has the utmålat the caravan as a threat, and sent soldiers to the border and in the rounds closed the border crossing. Frustrated migrants have tried to storm the transition and the united states have responded with tear gas.”
“– What is going on in Tijuana is a humanitarian crisis. But it is created by people, designed by our president to bring about a picture of that there is a threat, ” says Ryan, and points out that the united states is very well able to take care of the migrants.”
“He says that the US does not want to talk about the real reasons why it is so bad in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.”
“– Many of their problems are directly caused by us (the united states). It is we who are buying the drugs that are moving through these countries. And the human trafficking that takes place provides us americans with cheap labor.”
“Trump has also promised tougher controls on the estimated 11 million undocumented living in the shadows of american society.”
“During a period in the summer, it meant even to small children, who can not be prosecuted, and separated from their parents and placed in accommodation.”
“Over 2 000 children were separated from their families during may and June, something that became the subject of massive protests and debate. On 20 June, the president stop for familjeseparationerna with a decree, but announced that the zero tolerance policy still prevails.”
“since Then, the 81 children still separated from their relatives, according to statistics from the ministry of home security dated november 30. This is when the adult traveling with the child was involved in the crime, there were medical or security reasons or the child has not travelled with his real guardians.”
“in Parallel, many of the unaccompanied children are taken to the united states. More than 14 000 held in november in detention, according to the department of health.”
“most of The people that are trying to reach the united states via the southern border have fled poverty, violence, and fully independent churches in countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico.”