the ROME – Abolish the isolation day”, as “anachronistic” and “devoid of any justification”. To change according to the Cpt, the Committee against torture of the Council of Europe also are also other forms of isolation as the regime of ’41 bis’ for those condemned for mafia. The opinion comes in a report prepared following inspections took place in march.

Under the viewfinder of the pool are over the detention centres of Milan, Biella, Saluzzo and Viterbo. “What emerges in the report – discuss Antigone – is a situation which we denounce to a different time. The thrust of reforms and post-judgment Torreggiani stop and this has produced and is producing a worsening of the detention conditions, with serious situations on which those who have political responsibilities should take place with urgency.”

limit . The cases of violence in the prison of Viterbo and the connecting rod “had been the object exposed by our association,” says president Patrizio Gonnella, in the hope that there is “an acceleration” in the investigations administrative and criminal,” and an “explicit signal from the government around to the absolute and categorical prohibition of the arbitrary use of force”.

In the prison Mammagialla of Viterbo there is “a pattern of ill-treatment inflicted deliberately,” to the prisoners: by the feet and burned to check the actual catatonic state of some of the prisoners, the fists, up to the horns of agents of the penitentiary police for actions, “punitive damages”.

The report says that in Viterbo, italy, “some of the prisoners, interviewed separately, have identified specific agents and inspectors as the authors of a number of incidents of alleged abuse,” and in several cases the observed lesions and the medical evidence recorded were compatible with the allegations of ill-treatment. If the facts were established it would result in a disturbing picture, of which, however, already know the boundaries, though uncertain.

time . The Mammagialla in recent years has often been at the centre of controversy for cases of violence or alleged suspicious death of two suicides that occurred between may and August of 2018, up to the many complaints of beatings, such as that of the prisoner in December of the same year he presented himself to the interview with his wife, his face swollen, and he said that he was beaten for reasons inconsistent with a dozen agents. The public Prosecutor’s office has opened a number of cases, while the management and staff continue to deny all allegations.

The regional councillor radical Alessandro Capriccioli is responsible from the time of the criticality of the Mammagialla and gathered a lot of complaints on the situation of huge discomfort, that living prisoners (but also agents of the penitentiary police,) inside the structure, trying to “bring out from the prison and these stories” to verify them. To foster an institutional intervention, about three months ago, Capriccioli and asked, “formally to the Minister Bonafede, a meeting in which to report what I had seen and heard, without, however, receiving any response”.

As in all prisons, even in Viterbo there is a problem of overcrowding in addition to lack of staff: “The problem continues, Capriccioli – concerns in the first place the rights and dignity of prisoners, which, as such, are entrusted to the State. But we must not forget the many agents that operate in a correct way, and can not be damaged by the presence of shadows, suspicions and accusations of this magnitude: full light on situations such as that of the Mammagialla meets both requirements, for this reason I hope that after the publication of the report of the Cpt, the Minister Bonafede decides to take care of this matter”.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on The sardines go in Bibbiano, all the while speaking Salvini. On Saturday, the dip in the sea, Papeete the full and The empty of the left Sarditudine, the sound is promising of a word If the logistics was logic Salvini: “The referendum is the”Emilia and I will win”. The former minister pretends to rejoice

the Republic