“The ambassador is being investigated on Minhaiaffären”
“Sweden’s Kinaambassadör Anna Lindstedt is with in the investigation initiated by the riksenheten for national security. The ambassador, however, is not suspected of any crime at the moment.”
“– She is the subject of the investigation, but she is not served any suspicion, ” says Hans Ihrman, prosecutors in the unit.”
“After that a report drawn up by the security Police last week launched His Ihrman a so-called förutredning.”
” I needed more input to the notification in order to be able to make an assessment as to whether an investigation would be launched, and yesterday (Thursday) I thought I had gained a better basis for decision, and then I could take a stance on the issue. I came to the conclusion that a criminal investigation would be launched, ” he says.”
“Ihrman would not comment on how many people may be found in the investigation.”
“MINISTRY for foreign affairs is critical of the ambassador’s actions and stated that it will not known to her meeting on detainees Gui Minhai, which took place in Sweden earlier in the year. The preliminary investigation initiated by the riksenheten for national security refers to the crime egenmäktighet at the negotiation with a foreign power. According to Ihrman, however, it is too early to comment on the headings in the detail.”
“I can’t go into more detail on the conditions for the offence shall be punishable, for then I will check on the parts which are the subject of the investigation,” he says, and continues:”
“– But very simple terms, it consists of the criminal offence, according to this straffbestämmelsen, in that a person without the condition has allowed itself to operate as an agent of a foreign power. And it in one thing related to Swedish interests, ” he says.”
TT: it Is a standard legal classification of the offence?”
“No, it can not be said,” says Ihrman, who can’t go into how many previously prosecuted at that point.”
“the Ambassador Anna Lindstedt has been called home by the foreign MINISTRY and the embassy in Beijing has been an acting head.”