a few years Ago, a politician andalusian, founder and leader of an autonomist party, now defunct, lamented: “If all of what I encourage and congratulate each other on the street I voted, I would be chairman of the Board”.

Leopoldo Sainz de la Maza and his three brothers, owners of the iron farmer of the Heirs of the Conde de la Maza, have decided to put point and end to his career as breeders of fighting bulls. Social networks have not been slow in flooding of messages of support and solidarity with the livestock. “Today is a very sad day for the amateur,” said one; “the feast is in mourning”, was pointing out another; “we all lose”, “go away a little piece of genetic field bravo”, “the figures have cornered”, “iron legend”, and so many testimonies of grief with which, certainly, is not a good news for the bullfighting.

But the best of the owner, without a doubt, has offered to the farmer: “Here are to die for you to appreciate. Before I didn’t want anyone, and now everyone is saying ‘poor little guy’; it seems a joke.”

The truth is that if half of those who —in good faith, without a doubt, they regret now the removal of the bull of Conde de la Maza had gone to the plaza when it was advertised on a poster, the livestock would be alive and kicking.

“How difficult is it to maintain a livestock with several heirs”

What has happened? Plain and Simple, and has recognized Leopoldo Sainz de la Maza, it was a bad business, that each year was a loss to the society. (“How difficult is it to maintain a livestock with several heirs”, pointed an amateur in the social networks). It was not productive, in a word, and most of the brothers have decided to finally put an end to the bleeding, during the last few years, have been kept as a tribute of respect to the grandfather, who created the iron in 1953, and her father, the true driving force behind the initiative.

But this is not the first nor the last company closes, even though it is painful, the removal of an encaste own, the creator of a certain type of bull imposing fine appearance, astifinos pythons and surprising and irregular behavior.

What has happened? What has failed the product, or has changed the taste of the client?

Eugenio Mora parries the natural to a bull of Conde de la Maza in Pamplona. Luis Azanza

“bravery is a bad business,” said the farmer by way of justification. There is No reason. Your bulls, with rare exceptions, were not brave. Worth as a simple example the run that dealt the 12 of July 2015 at the Feria de San Fermin, who was returning after 34 years of absence. Told in the chronicles that the copies lidiados wore an excellent presentation, and highlighted amply Jokerbet by his meekness, his lack of caste, its hardness and extraordinary complications. Fortunately, they had a noble behavior in the running of the bulls morning and the race ended without any injuries by the horns of a bull and there was only some bruised.

it Is true, as the farmer assures, that many journalists —who signed this blog is one of them— “have buggered off out of this house without mercy”; but is that their bulls have been given ample grounds, with the exception, that yes, that bravo and encastado hat name Farrucoso, that came out to the ring of la Maestranza on the day of the Corpus of 2014 and led to Pepe Moral paseara the two ears.

The cattle of the earl went on to deal seven runs and four calves in 2002 to be virtually absent from all the important trade fairs —Seville and Madrid— in recent seasons. And a reason of weight is that the product did not offer the minimum guarantees for the deals. The genius, the absence of caste, and behavior is generally very poor have been subtracted prestige to the iron that, in truth, was not long ago between the desired by the amateur.

Has failed the product (the bull) and has changed the taste of customers

Conclusion: it has failed the product, even though any opinion is subjective.

And has been changed, also, the taste of the client.

Says the rancher that the feast of the bulls has been “turned into something bland and predictable, and goes to the back.” And adds that the aesthetic is important in a party based on the emotion and the risk, but not all of it. “There are bullfighters —he concludes— that he is based all on aesthetics, and this falls off alone.”


Diego Urdiales already have bulls to San Isidro, and no one has spoken of hype Octavio Chacon, a long, sustained, and victorious love story the bull does Anyone know how much you earn a bullfighter?, fortune or misery, the feast is a ruin

yes; that is the consequence that the spectators of the occasion, —all who come to a plaza like those who go to a social event and with the aim of cutting on ears the price of the entry—, exceed in number the fans. And you already know: when there is no requirement dictating and imposing their whims figures of bullfighting.

“The bullfighter fights what they want”, adds the count of the Mace; “and the entrepreneurs they buy what they buy”.

Well, yes. The figures have fled and are fleeing from the bulls that smell of ferocity and astifinas heads, but also the right-handed lidiadores prefer to those hard currencies that, at least statistically, to offer any chance of success. And the lord count was not among these.

The party is not in mourning because it disappear the livestock Conde de la Maza. Is impoverished, yes, by an unfortunate loss. The party is in deep black because it kept other livestock, designed to the dictation of those who are engaged in making the feast of the bulls a ridiculous dance to an animal sickly and with walking sheep.

“you Go brown you’ve removed from above!”, you have been convicted a friend to the farmer.

Since you have not told more than the gospel. Amen.

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