a year after a snapchat message from Mads Hvilsom was the centre of a bitter dispute between Jutland and West, get the case now yet another twist.
Mads Hvilsom is leaving the namely south Jutland… order to advance to the West.
– It’s not meant for me, that has been the case. I have made no secret that I love Dundee as a club, says Mads Hvilsom for the Extra Magazine.
As the Border on the controversial show lost to FC Midtjylland in the last round of the base game last season, got the big importance in the aftermath, when the Additional Leaf could reveal that the Mads Hvilsom over Snapchat to its Hobro-friend Jesper Beech had written ‘Fats to get into and have been told that you may not score, even if we had fallen behind.’
south Jutland could, in the final phase of the grundspillets last battle speculate to lose the match for FC Midtjylland, as it would make the team more favorable in the fight against relegation. It went out over Hobro.
the Message from Mads Hvilsom had important consequences, as West chose to send it on to the DBU and the following came out in public. The friendship between Jesper Beeches and Mads Hvilsom bread together, and Mads Hvilsom had along with the rest of Jutland-the squad go through a comprehensive investigation into suspected match-fixing.
– If the West felt cheated, and they felt that they had something that could support the view, have they had the need, that something was going to happen, and it was at the expense of me, finds the upcoming Hobro-player who also does not feel that he was tricked to send a message, which could support the suspicion that the south Jutland lost with will.
– I’m not so much opposed to it, some have tried to lure something out of me. A lot has happened since. It is a long time ago, and I’m not mad at someone, says Mads Hvilsom.
– I hope not, that people in the West who believe that I’m full of lies.
Mads Hvilsom has been a close friend of Jesper Beeches since the two played together as youth players at FC Midtjylland. The friendship smoke out for a ride after snapchat affair, but since the two found each other again.
I am most annoyed with, that it destroyed a friendship for over ten years, but I have spent some time to nurture that relationship, and we are on good terms now. I am pleased to, that we can be together every day as team-mates, says Mads Hvilsom, who did not see the new opportunity in the West as a kind of excuse.
– I hope not, that it is an excuse. Why would they do it? I hope it is, because Hobro feel that I can bring something. I was the top scorer two seasons in a row, the last time I was in the club. This is a new start, predict the Mads Hvilsom.
Hobro tried according to Ekstra information already in the winter to download Mads Hvilsom out of the agreement in Jutland, but there was no real mood for a friendly gesture between the clubs.
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