The chaos is your fault, Annie Loof

was Offered a liberal smorgasbord

Aftonbladet leader board is independent socialist.

Annie Lööf (C) got almost everything she pointed at, but demanded more. Therefore we get no new government before christmas. When Loof yesterday morning at a press conference concluding the negotiations on a \

the social democrats have agreed on a liberal symbolfråga as mobilförbud in the school and agreed to drop the fight against profits in welfare. And with turordningsreglerna in the Law on employment protection was Löfven prepared to discuss, only the parties on the labour market was with on the train.

But nothing sufficed to Loof, she wanted the unconditional surrender of the social democrats.\nCenterledaren appears to be directly dishonest when she tries to portray it as that Leaves not joined her to the meeting. Of the leaks to judge so was the four political parties on Saturday agreed on an agreement that they would anchor in their respective parties. Then called Annie Lööf yesterday morning to Stefan Löfven and closed the discussion. Not with any political demands or proposals for the solution – but with a cold hand.

Painted himself into a corner

this is The second time she is running the same strategy. Also Ulf Kristersson (M), adapted its policy and strategy to Centerledaren just to get the same answer as the Leaves. She ended her news conference yesterday to urge all the others to be as constructive as she sent probably creeps along the spine on the present political reporters. Her press conference was, according to SVT, the number 68 after the election, and no end is in sight.\nSå what is really the Centre party?\it is difficult to answer. They say ‘ no ‘ to the deleted war as early as next year. They say ‘ no ‘ to refugee families to be reunited, which affects thousands of people. And they say ‘ no ‘ to liberal reforms in the housing market and the labour market, which is located to the right of the policies of Fredrik Reinfeldt ran in government. Are they ever happy, or is this really about something else?\freeware it will be Annie Lööf begin to discover which corner she’s painted himself into with all the cocksure statements of the last year.

The uncrowned no-queen

To Sweden after the 90 days do not have a government is above all a consequence of her political style. It is she who voted no to both potential prime ministers and it is she who refused to compromise unless the opponent folds flat. She is the uncrowned no-queen.

Her message hangs not together. One day, she emphasises that the Centre party has only 8%, and that there is S and M, which is responsible for regeringsfrågan, the next day she’ll have through the whole of his votes to not vote down the Leaves or Kristersson.\non Wednesday, the parliament to decide on next year’s budget. The moderates and the Christian democrats will, together with The sweden democrats to win the vote. Annie Lööf notice yesterday, namely, that she will leave it to Jimmie Åkesson that determine the Swedish economic policy. Itself, the Centre party promised to abstain in the final vote.

It is difficult to see how Stefan Löfven can offer more than the Centre party has already received. Thus, the situation is now locked for real and perhaps it will require an additional choice for solving the knots. In such cases, to know the voters in any case what they are voting for.\nEn voice on M and KD means the likely influence of the SD while a vote on Stefan Löfven means an S-led government that is prepared to compromise in the middle. And if you vote on Annie Lööf, you get an infinite amount of pressträffar.\it is too early to judge the possibilities for a mittenregering. But it’s probably not entirely wrong for the parties to start thinking about how valaffischerna can see out.

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