“The conservatives tramsar on ICE”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Soon, the Islamic state passed during and shortly leave the american soldiers in Syria. Now, Europe needs to pay its debt, pick the home of their ICE-travelers and bring them to justice, like Donald Trump.”

“It think Sweden does not do. The Swedish citizens who are fighting for the so-called caliphate and now detained by the kurdish-arab militia, the SDF should not be allowed to come home, Stefan Löfven announced. It is not likely to have surprised anyone, but what the government think will happen with these characters is still unclear.”

“In anticipation of the announcement has instead Conservatives tried to take the initiative in the matter. Over the weekend, in Svenska Dagbladet, a major package to put fear in Swedish jihadists.”

“If someone commits a terrorist incident should one – if one has dual citizenship – to be able to get rid of his Swedish passport. It is a gambit that requires you to change the constitutional rules on citizenship, and it takes at least four years. Such operations should be careful with, but apart from that so perhaps it is to tempt the SDF-earned patience.”

“there is No realistic solution”

“the Conservatives also want to make it a criminal offence to have instructions for how to commit terrorist acts can be carried out, which will probably do a lot of fiction in the thrillergenren displeasing. In addition to the Conservatives that it should be illegal to tweet or facebooka appreciative if a terror organization.”

“almost two decades with the developed terrorlagstiftning and straffskärpningar to access the islamists and other extremists have thus not been sufficient and now we arrive at some kind of åsiktsförbud. One could ask if there really are more laws needed when what is left is to ban opinions. But no time for such reflections are not. You may not be suspected for that, pet.”

“Sadly enough, it seems that no politician, nor spend time on a realistic solution for the european citizens who committed terrorist crimes in Syria or Iraq should be punished.”

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