“The crisis in the 1990s is a wound that is not healed:”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Eric Rosén is born in 1980, and his upbringing was, of course, not a normal upbringing. The vast majority have fathers who abuse drugs and subsequently imprisoned for a murder. But somewhere in the book’s introductory chapter, in kompiskretsens edge, I can see myself and my own friends. Young children by proletarian parents, bred in the shadows of the fiscal crisis, mass unemployment, vansinneshöga interest rates, välfärdsnedskärningar and exploding child poverty.”

“Poor children more vulnerable”

“So writes Expressen-writer Patrik Lundberg – born in 1983 – in a text addressed to his deceased mother.”

“What track put really 90 crisis?”

“For something years ago, the SNS report ”Rather rich and healthy” which looked at the differences in health for children who are growing up in poverty, and children who have not done it.”

“the Results they reported were scary.”

“Children who grow up in poor families are twice as likely to die early compared with other children. They are much more likely to be enrolled in the hospital, few diseases in the lungs or suffer from mental ill-health. And health during childhood play a large role in whether you can manage the school, and if you can make a living as an adult. Only 60 percent of children with mental illness starts high school. Many of them are forced to live on social assistance when they reach age 23 years.”

“in 2005 – I turned 22 years old at the time, was unemployed and went on welfare – told the central bureau of Statistics how the young people after 90-talkrisen been stagnant or worse living conditions. At the same time, saw that young was feeling all the worse.”

“During the 00’s was youth unemployment reaches record levels, a lot of young people left school without any qualifications, the young homeless became more and more. The newspaper reports at the time drew attention to how the 80 talisterna point of insomnia, anxiety and other mental disorders.”

“today it is no longer the 90-talskrisens children described like this. Instead, it is the well-being and the future prospects for those born during the 90’s and 00’s that are of concern to us.”

“But something has changed. Between me and today’s 22-year-olds, so have we as a society learned to accept growing inequality and social exclusion as if it were ödesbundet. Eric Rosén and Patrik Lundberg reminds us that it need not be so.”